$(document).ready(function(){ var config = { type : 'web', perPage : 8, // A maximum of 8 is allowed by Google page : 0 // The start page } // The small arrow that marks the active search icon: var arrow = $('',{className:'arrow'}).appendTo('ul.icons'); $('ul.icons li').click(function(){ var el = $(this); if(el.hasClass('active')){ // The icon is already active, exit return false; } el.siblings().removeClass('active'); el.addClass('active'); // Move the arrow below this icon arrow.stop().animate({ left : el.position().left, marginLeft : (el.width()/2)-4 }); // Set the search type config.type = el.attr('data-searchType'); $('#more').fadeOut(); }); // Focusing the input text box: $('#s').focus(); $('#searchForm').submit(function(){ googleSearch(); return false; }); function googleSearch(settings){ // If no parameters are supplied to the function, // it takes its defaults from the config object above: settings = $.extend({},config,settings); settings.term = settings.term || $('#s').val(); // URL of Google's AJAX search API var apiURL = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/'+settings.type+ '?v=1.0&callback=?'; $.getJSON(apiURL,{ q : settings.term, rsz : settings.perPage, start : settings.page*settings.perPage },function(r){ var results = r.responseData.results; $('#more').remove(); if(results.length){ // If results were returned, add them to a pageContainer div, // after which append them to the #resultsDiv: var pageContainer = $('
',{className:'pageContainer'}); for(var i=0;i (settings.page+1)*settings.perPage){ $('
',{id:'more'}).appendTo(pageContainer).click(function(){ googleSearch({append:true,page:settings.page+1}); $(this).fadeOut(); }); } pageContainer.append('
').hide(); $.fancybox( $(pageContainer).html(), { 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : 400, 'height' : 'auto', 'showNavArrows' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'elastic' } ); $('#more').click(function(){ googleSearch({append:true,page:settings.page+1}); }); } else { var pageContainer = $('
',{className:'pageContainer'}); // No results were found for this search. $('

',{ className : 'notFound', html : 'No Results Were Found!' }).appendTo(pageContainer); // .hide().appendTo(resultsDiv).fadeIn(); $.fancybox( $(pageContainer).html(), { 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : 400, 'height' : 'auto', 'showNavArrows' : false, 'transitionIn' : 'elastic' } ); } }); } function result(r){ // This is class definition. Object of this class are created for // each result. The markup is generated by the .toString() method. var arr = []; // GsearchResultClass is passed by the google API switch(r.GsearchResultClass){ case 'GwebSearch': arr = [ '

', '


', '


', '',r.visibleUrl,'', '
' ]; break; case 'GimageSearch': arr = [ '
', '', '','
', '',r.visibleUrl,'', '
' ]; break; case 'GvideoSearch': arr = [ '
', '', '', '
','',r.publisher,'', '
' ]; break; case 'GnewsSearch': arr = [ '
', '


', '


', '',r.publisher,'', '
' ]; break; } // The toString method. this.toString = function(){ return arr.join(''); } } });