
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
*  @author            CERDAN Yohann <cerdanyohann@yahoo.fr>
*  @copyright      (c) 2010  CERDAN Yohann, All rights reserved
*  @ version         12/08/2010

if(isset($_GET['source'])) {

class GoogleMapAPI
    /** GoogleMap ID for the HTML DIV  **/
   protected $googleMapId = 'googlemapapi';
    /** GoogleMap  Direction ID for the HTML DIV **/
   protected $googleMapDirectionId = 'route';

    /** Width of the gmap **/
   protected $width = '';

    /** Height of the gmap **/
   protected $height = '';

    /** Icon width of the gmarker **/
   protected $iconWidth = 57;

    /** Icon height of the gmarker **/
   protected $iconHeight = 34;

    /** Infowindow width of the gmarker **/
   protected $infoWindowWidth = 250;
    /** Default zoom of the gmap **/
   protected $zoom = 9;
	/** Enable the zoom of the Infowindow **/
   protected $enableWindowZoom = false;
	/** Default zoom of the Infowindow **/
   protected $infoWindowZoom = 3;
    /** Lang of the gmap **/
   protected $lang = 'fr';

    /**Center of the gmap **/
   protected $center = 'Paris France';

    /** Content of the HTML generated **/
   protected $content = '';

    /** Add the direction button to the infowindow **/
   protected $displayDirectionFields = false;

    /** Hide the marker by default **/
   protected $defaultHideMarker = false;

    /** Extra content (marker, etc...) **/
   protected $contentMarker = '';

    /** Use clusterer to display a lot of markers on the gmap **/
   protected $useClusterer = false;
   protected $gridSize = 100;
   protected $maxZoom = 9;
   protected $clustererLibrarypath = 'http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/tags/markerclusterer/1.0/src/markerclusterer_packed.js';

    /** Enable automatic center/zoom **/
   protected $enableAutomaticCenterZoom = false;
    /** maximum longitude of all markers **/
   protected $maxLng = -1000000;
    /** minimum longitude of all markers **/
   protected $minLng = 1000000;
    /** max latitude of all markers **/
   protected $maxLat = -1000000;
    /** min latitude of all markers **/
   protected $minLat = 1000000;
    /** map center latitude (horizontal), calculated automatically as markers are added to the map **/
   protected $centerLat = null;

    /** map center longitude (vertical),  calculated automatically as markers are added to the map **/
   protected $centerLng = null;
    /** factor by which to fudge the boundaries so that when we zoom encompass, the markers aren't too close to the edge **/
   protected $coordCoef = 0.01;

          * Class constructor
          * @return void

    public function __construct() 
          * Set the useClusterer parameter (optimization to display a lot of marker)
          * @param boolean $useClusterer use cluster or not
          * @param int $gridSize grid size (The grid size of a cluster in pixel. Each cluster will be a square. If you want the algorithm to run faster, you can set this value larger. The default value is 100.)
          * @param int $maxZoom maxZoom (The max zoom level monitored by a marker cluster. If not given, the marker cluster assumes the maximum map zoom level. When maxZoom is reached or exceeded all markers will be shown without cluster.)
          * @param int $clustererLibraryPath clustererLibraryPath
          * @return void

    public function setClusterer($useClusterer,$gridSize=100,$maxZoom=9,$clustererLibraryPath='') 
        $this->useClusterer = $useClusterer;
        $this->gridSize = $gridSize;
        $this->maxZoom = $maxZoom;
		($clustererLibraryPath=='') ? $this->clustererLibraryPath = 'http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/tags/markerclusterer/1.0/src/markerclusterer_packed.js' : $clustererLibraryPath;

          * Set the ID of the default gmap DIV
          * @param string $googleMapId the google div ID
          * @return void

    public function setDivId($googleMapId) 
        $this->googleMapId = $googleMapId;
          * Set the ID of the default gmap direction DIV 
          * @param string $googleMapDirectionId GoogleMap  Direction ID for the HTML DIV
          * @return void

    public function setDirectionDivId($googleMapDirectionId) 
        $this->googleMapDirectionId = $googleMapDirectionId;

          * Set the size of the gmap
          * @param int $width GoogleMap  width
          * @param int $height GoogleMap  height
          * @return void

    public function setSize($width,$height) 
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;

          * Set the with of the gmap infowindow (on marker clik)
          * @param int $infoWindowWidth GoogleMap  info window width
          * @return void
    public function setInfoWindowWidth ($infoWindowWidth) 
        $this->infoWindowWidth = $infoWindowWidth;
          * Set the size of the icon markers
          * @param int $iconWidth GoogleMap  marker icon width
          * @param int $iconHeight GoogleMap  marker icon height
          * @return void

    public function setIconSize($iconWidth,$iconHeight) 
        $this->iconWidth = $iconWidth;
        $this->iconHeight = $iconHeight;

          * Set the lang of the gmap
          * @param string $lang GoogleMap  lang : fr,en,..
          * @return void

    public function setLang($lang) 
        $this->lang = $lang;
          * Set the zoom of the gmap
          * @param int $zoom GoogleMap  zoom.
          * @return void

    public function setZoom($zoom) 
        $this->zoom = $zoom;
          * Set the zoom of the infowindow
          * @param int $zoom GoogleMap  zoom.
          * @return void

    public function setInfoWindowZoom($infoWindowZoom) 
        $this->infoWindowZoom = $infoWindowZoom;
          * Enable the zoom on the marker when you click on it
          * @param int $zoom GoogleMap  zoom.
          * @return void

    public function setEnableWindowZoom($enableWindowZoom) 
        $this->enableWindowZoom = $enableWindowZoom;
          * Enable theautomatic center/zoom at the gmap load
          * @param int $zoom GoogleMap  zoom.
          * @return void

    public function setEnableAutomaticCenterZoom($enableAutomaticCenterZoom) 
        $this->enableAutomaticCenterZoom = $enableAutomaticCenterZoom;
          * Set the center of the gmap (an address)
          * @param string $center GoogleMap  center (an address)
          * @return void

    public function setCenter($center) 
        $this->center = $center;

          * Set the center of the gmap
          * @param boolean $displayDirectionFields display directions or not in the info window
          * @return void

    public function setDisplayDirectionFields($displayDirectionFields) 
        $this->displayDirectionFields = $displayDirectionFields;

          * Set the defaultHideMarker
          * @param boolean $defaultHideMarker hide all the markers on the map by default
          * @return void

    public function setDefaultHideMarker($defaultHideMarker) 
        $this->defaultHideMarker = $defaultHideMarker;

          * Get the google map content
          * @return string the google map html code

    public function getGoogleMap() 
        return $this->content;
           * Get URL content using cURL.
          * @param string $url the url 
          * @return string the html code
          * @todo add proxy settings
    public function getContent($url)
        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        $data = curl_exec($curl);
        curl_close ($curl);
        return $data;
          * Geocoding an address (address -> lat,lng)
          * @param string $address an address
          * @return array array with precision, lat & lng

    public function geocoding($address) 
        $encodeAddress = urlencode($address);
        $url = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=".$encodeAddress."&output=csv";
        if(function_exists('curl_init')) {
            $data = $this->getContent($url);
        } else {
            $data = file_get_contents($url);
		$csvSplit = preg_split("/,/",$data);
        $status = $csvSplit[0];

        if (strcmp($status, "200") == 0) {
            $return = $csvSplit; // successful geocode, $precision = $csvSplit[1],$lat = $csvSplit[2],$lng = $csvSplit[3];
        } else {
            $return = null; // failure to geocode

        return $return;
          * Add marker by his coord
          * @param string $lat lat
          * @param string $lng lngs
          * @param string $html html code display in the info window
          * @param string $category marker category
          * @param string $icon an icon url
          * @return void

    public function addMarkerByCoords($lat,$lng,$title,$html='',$category='',$icon='') 
		if ($icon=='') {
			$icon = 'http://maps.gstatic.com/intl/fr_ALL/mapfiles/markers/marker_sprite.png';
		// Save the lat/lon to enable the automatic center/zoom
		$this->maxLng = (float) max((float)$lng, $this->maxLng);
        $this->minLng = (float) min((float)$lng, $this->minLng);
        $this->maxLat = (float) max((float)$lat, $this->maxLat);
        $this->minLat = (float) min((float)$lat, $this->minLat);
        $this->centerLng = (float) ($this->minLng + $this->maxLng) / 2;
        $this->centerLat = (float) ($this->minLat + $this->maxLat) / 2;
        $this->contentMarker .= "\t".'addMarker(new google.maps.LatLng("'.$lat.'","'.$lng.'"),"'.$title.'","'.$html.'","'.$category.'","'.$icon.'");'."\n";
          * Add marker by his address
          * @param string $address an ddress
          * @param string $content html code display in the info window
          * @param string $category marker category
          * @param string $icon an icon url
          * @return void

    public function addMarkerByAddress($address,$title='',$content='',$category='',$icon='') 
		$point = $this->geocoding($address);
		if ($point!==null) {
			$this->addMarkerByCoords($point[2], $point[3], $title, $content, $category, $icon);
		} else {
			// throw new Exception('Adress not found : '.$address);
          * Add marker by an array of coord
          * @param string $coordtab an array of lat,lng,content
          * @param string $category marker category
          * @param string $icon an icon url
          * @return void

    public function addArrayMarkerByCoords($coordtab,$category='',$icon='') 
        foreach ($coordtab as $coord) {
            $this->addMarkerByCoords($coord[0], $coord[1], $coord[2], $coord[3], $category, $icon);
          * Add marker by an array of address
          * @param string $coordtab an array of address
          * @param string $category marker category
          * @param string $icon an icon url
          * @return void

    public function addArrayMarkerByAddress($coordtab,$category='',$icon='') 
        foreach ($coordtab as $coord) {
            $this->addMarkerByAddress($coord[0], $coord[1], $coord[2], $category, $icon);

          * Set a direction between 2 addresss and set a text panel
          * @param string $from an address
          * @param string $to an address
          * @return void

    public function addDirection($from,$to) 
        $this->contentMarker .= 'addDirection("'.$from.'","'.$to.'");';
          * Parse a KML file and add markers to a category
          * @param string $url url of the kml file compatible with gmap and gearth
          * @param string $category marker category
          * @param string $icon an icon url
          * @return void

    public function addKML ($url,$category='',$icon='') 
        $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($url, null, true);
        foreach ($xml->Document->Folder->Placemark as $item) {
            $coordinates = explode(',', (string) $item->Point->coordinates);
            $name = (string) $item->name;
            $this->addMarkerByCoords($coordinates[1], $coordinates[0], $name, $name, $category, $icon);
          * Initialize the javascript code
          * @return void

    public function init() 
		// Google map DIV
		if (($this->width!='')&&($this->height!='')) {
			$this->content .= "\t".'<div id="'.$this->googleMapId.'" style="width:'.$this->width.';height:'.$this->height.'"></div>'."\n";
		} else {
			$this->content .= "\t".'<div id="'.$this->googleMapId.'"></div>'."\n";
        // Google map JS
        $this->content .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&language='.$this->lang.'">';
        $this->content .= '</script>'."\n";
		 // Clusterer JS
        if ($this->useClusterer==true) {
			$this->content .= '<script src="'.$this->clustererLibraryPath.'" type="text/javascript"></script>'."\n";
        $this->content .= '<script type="text/javascript">'."\n";
        //global variables
        $this->content .= 'var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();'."\n";
        $this->content .= 'var map;'."\n";
		$this->content .= 'var gmarkers = [];'."\n";
		$this->content .= 'var infowindow;'."\n";
		$this->content .= 'var directions = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();'."\n";
		$this->content .= 'var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();'."\n";
		$this->content .= 'var current_lat = 0;'."\n";
        $this->content .= 'var current_lng = 0;'."\n";
		 // JS public function to get current Lat & Lng
        $this->content .= "\t".'function getCurrentLat() {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'return current_lat;'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'function getCurrentLng() {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'return current_lng;'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to add a  marker 
		$this->content .= "\t".'function addMarker(latlng,title,content,category,icon) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'var marker = new google.maps.Marker({'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'map: map,'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'title : title,'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'icon:  new google.maps.MarkerImage(icon, new google.maps.Size('. $this->iconWidth.','. $this->iconHeight.')),'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'position: latlng'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'});'."\n";	
		 // Display direction inputs in the info window
        if ($this->displayDirectionFields==true) {
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'content += \'<div style="clear:both;height:20px;"></div>\';'."\n";
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'id_name = \'marker_\'+gmarkers.length;'."\n";
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'content += \'<input type="text" id="\'+id_name+\'"/>\';'."\n";
             $this->content .= "\t\t".'var from = ""+latlng.lat()+","+latlng.lng();'."\n";
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'content += \'<br /><input type="button" onClick="addDirection(from,document.getElementById(\\\'\'+id_name+\'\\\').value);" value="Arrivée"/>\';'."\n";
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'content += \'<input type="button" onClick="addDirection(document.getElementById(\\\'\'+id_name+\'\\\').value,from);" value="Départ"/>\';'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'var html = \'<div style="float:left;text-align:left;width:'.$this->infoWindowWidth.';">\'+content+\'</div>\''."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t".'if (infowindow) infowindow.close();'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t".'infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: html});'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t".'infowindow.open(map,marker);'."\n";
		// Enable the zoom when you click on a marker
		if ($this->enableWindowZoom==true) {
			$this->content .= "\t\t".'map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(latlng.lat(),latlng.lng()),'.$this->infoWindowZoom.');'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'});'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'marker.mycategory = category;'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'gmarkers.push(marker);'."\n";
		// Hide marker by default
        if ($this->defaultHideMarker==true) {
            $this->content .= "\t\t".'marker.setVisible(false);'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to add a geocode marker 
        $this->content .= "\t".'function geocodeMarker(address,title,content,category,icon) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'if (geocoder) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'geocoder.geocode( { "address" : address}, function(results, status) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t\t".'var latlng = 	results[0].geometry.location;'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t\t\t".'addMarker(results[0].geometry.location,title,content,category,icon)'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'});'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to center the gmaps dynamically
		$this->content .= "\t".'function geocodeCenter(address) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'if (geocoder) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'geocoder.geocode( { "address": address}, function(results, status) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location);'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'} else {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'});'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";

		 // JS public function to set direction
        $this->content .= "\t".'function addDirection(from,to) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'var request = {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'origin:from, '."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'destination:to,'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode.DRIVING'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'};'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'directions.setDirections(response);'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'});'."\n";

        $this->content .= "\t\t".'if(infowindow) { infowindow.close(); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to show a category of marker
        $this->content .= "\t".'function showCategory(category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'gmarkers[i].setVisible(true);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";

        // JS public function to hide a category of marker
        $this->content .= "\t".'function hideCategory(category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'gmarkers[i].setVisible(false);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'if(infowindow) { infowindow.close(); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to hide all the markers
        $this->content .= "\t".'function hideAll() {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'gmarkers[i].setVisible(false);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'if(infowindow) { infowindow.close(); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function to show all the markers
        $this->content .= "\t".'function showAll() {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'gmarkers[i].setVisible(true);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'if(infowindow) { infowindow.close(); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		 // JS public function to hide/show a category of marker - TODO BUG
        $this->content .= "\t".'function toggleHideShow(category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'if (gmarkers[i].mycategory === category) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'if (gmarkers[i].getVisible()===true) { gmarkers[i].setVisible(false); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t\t".'else gmarkers[i].setVisible(true);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'}'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'if(infowindow) { infowindow.close(); }'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
		// JS public function add a KML
        $this->content .= "\t".'function addKML(file) {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(file);'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t\t".'ctaLayer.setMap(map);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";

    public function generate() 
		 //Fonction init()
        $this->content .=  "\t".'function initialize() {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(48.8792,2.34778);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'var myOptions = {'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'zoom: '.$this->zoom.','."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'center: myLatlng,'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t\t".'mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'}'."\n";
        //Goole map Div Id
        $this->content .= "\t".'map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("'.$this->googleMapId.'"), myOptions);'."\n";
		// Center
		if ($this->enableAutomaticCenterZoom==true) {			
			$lenLng = $this->maxLng - $this->minLng;
            $lenLat = $this->maxLat - $this->minLat;
            $this->minLng -= $lenLng * $this->coordCoef;
            $this->maxLng += $lenLng * $this->coordCoef;
            $this->minLat -= $lenLat * $this->coordCoef;
            $this->maxLat += $lenLat * $this->coordCoef;

            $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'var bds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng('.$this->minLat.','.$this->minLng.'),new google.maps.LatLng('.$this->maxLat.','.$this->maxLng.'));'."\n";
            $this->content .= "\t\t\t".'map.fitBounds(bds);'."\n";
		} else {
			$this->content .= "\t".'geocodeCenter("'.$this->center.'");'."\n";
		$this->content .= "\t".'google.maps.event.addListener(map,"click",function(event) { if (event) { current_lat=event.latLng.lat();current_lng=event.latLng.lng(); }}) ;'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'directions.setMap(map);'."\n";
        $this->content .= "\t".'directions.setPanel(document.getElementById("'.$this->googleMapDirectionId.'"))'."\n";
        // add all the markers
        $this->content .= $this->contentMarker;        
		 // Clusterer JS
        if ($this->useClusterer==true) {
            $this->content .= "\t".'var markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, gmarkers,{gridSize: '.$this->gridSize.', maxZoom: '.$this->maxZoom.'});'."\n";
		$this->content .= '}'."\n";
		// Chargement de la map a la fin du HTML
        $this->content .= "\t".'window.onload=initialize;'."\n";        
		//Fermeture du javascript
        $this->content .= '</script>'."\n";