const KO = 0, OK = 1, WALL = 2, LOSE = 3, WIN = 4; let clicked = false, sounds = $.map(["ko.wav", "ok.wav", "undefined.wav", "gameover.wav", "welldone.wav"], function(sound) { return 'assets/sounds/'+sound; }), boardbg = '#FFFFFF', score = 0, time = 0, compte, nbsnd, oksnd, kosnd, nosnd, failsnd, level, p_left, p_top, p_bottom, p_right, currentPosition, toright, totop, tobot; //console.log('level :'+level); $(document).ready(function(){ $('#start').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); clicked = true; $('#board').html(''); compte = setInterval(startChrono,100); playKey(); }); $('#instruction').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if($('#manual').length != 0) $('#manual').html('Use arrow keys to direct yourself to exit.
To do so, you\'ll hear sounds in that order : left, top, right, bottom
3 differents sounds :
sound for good path
sound for bad path
sound for wall

If a bad path is taken or a wall is chosen, it\'s gameover!
Good luck!'); else $('#board').append('
Use arrow keys to direct yourself to exit.
To do so, you\'ll hear sounds in that order : left, top, right, bottom
3 differents sounds :
sound for good path
sound for bad path
sound for wall

If a bad path is taken or a wall is chosen, it\'s gameover!
Good luck!
'); }); $('#instructionfr').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //console.log($('#manual').length); if($('#manual').length != 0) $('#manual').html('Utiliser les flèches de votre clavier pour vous diriger vers la sortie.
Pour se faire, vous allez entendre les sons dans cet ordre : gauche, haut, droite, bas
3 sons différents :
son pour le bon chemin
son du mauvais chemin
son pour un mur

Si un mauvais chemin est pris ou un mur choisi, c\'est le game over !
Bonne chance!'); else $('#board').append('
Utiliser les flèches de votre clavier pour vous diriger vers la sortie.
Pour se faire, vous allez entendre les sons dans cet ordre : gauche, haut, droite, bas
3 sons différents :
son pour le bon chemin
son du mauvais chemin
son pour un mur

Si un mauvais chemin est pris ou un mur choisi, c\'est le game over !
Bonne chance!
'); }); $('#ok').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); playSound(OK); }); $('#ko').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); playSound(KO); }); $('#unknown').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); playSound(WALL); }); $('#retry').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); chargement(); }); $('#next').live('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); loadNextLevel(); }); function chargement(){ time = 0; nbsnd = sounds.length; //console.log('loading '+nbsnd+' sounds'); oksnd = new Audio(sounds[OK]); kosnd = new Audio(sounds[KO]); nosnd = new Audio(sounds[WALL]); failsnd = new Audio(sounds[LOSE]); endsnd = new Audio(sounds[WIN]); p_left = 2; p_right = 2; p_top = 2; p_bottom = 2; $('body').html('').append('').append('
'); $('#board').append('Start?
Instruction Instructions en français'); if(custom){ $('head').append(''); }else{ $('head').append(''); } //generateLevel(); //console.log('loading done'); } function startChrono(){ time++; } function play(t){ playSound(t); playColor(t); } function playSound(sound){ playColor(sound); switch(sound){ case KO:; break; case OK:; break; case WALL:; break; case LOSE:; break; case WIN:; break; default: /*;*/ break; } } function playColor(color){ //b = $('#board'); b = $('body'); //console.log(color); switch(color){ case 0: b.animate({'background-color':'#FF0000'}, '600', function() { b.css('background-color', boardbg); }); break; case 1: b.animate({'background-color':'green'}, '600', function() { b.css('background-color', boardbg); }); break; case 2: b.animate({'background-color':'#CCCCCC'}, '600', function() { b.css('background-color', boardbg); }); break; case 3: b.animate({'background-color':'purple'}, '600', function() { b.css('background-color', boardbg); }); break; case 4: b.animate({'background-color':'yellow'}, '600', function() { b.css('background-color', boardbg); }); break; default: b.css('background-color', boardbg); break; } } function playKey(){ if(isWon()){ winningGame(); return true; } if(isLost()){ gameover(); return true; } clearTimeout(totop); clearTimeout(toright); clearTimeout(tobot); p_left = level[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]-1] == undefined ? 2 : level[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]-1]; p_top = level[currentPosition[1]-1] == undefined ? 2 : level[currentPosition[1]-1][currentPosition[0]]; p_right = level[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]+1] == undefined ? 2 : level[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]+1]; p_bottom = level[currentPosition[1]+1] == undefined ? 2 : level[currentPosition[1]+1][currentPosition[0]]; playSound(p_left); // left totop = setTimeout(playSound, 800, p_top); // top toright = setTimeout(playSound, 1600, p_right); // right tobot = setTimeout(playSound, 2400, p_bottom); // bottom } function generateLevel(){ // generate largeur / hauteur var min = 5; var max = 15; var largeur = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; var hauteur = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; // remplir de 0 var array = new Array(largeur); for(i = 0; i < largeur; i++){ array[i] = new Array(hauteur); for(j = 0; j < hauteur; j++){ array[i][j] = 0; } } // creation des chemins de 1 /*currentPosition = [Math.floor(Math.random() * (hauteur + 1)),Math.floor(Math.random() * (largeur + 1))]; finalPosition = [Math.floor(Math.random() * (hauteur + 1)),Math.floor(Math.random() * (largeur + 1))]; array[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]] = 1; tmpPosition = currentPosition; var dir; while(tmpPosition[0] != finalPosition[0] && tmpPosition[1] != finalPosition[1]){ dir = Math.floor(Math.random() * (3 + 1)); switch(dir){ case 0: if(tmpPosition[0] <= 0 && array[tmpPosition[1]][tmpPosition[0] -1] != 1){ array[tmpPosition[1]][tmpPosition[0]-1] = 1; tmpPosition[0] -=1; } break; case 1: if(tmpPosition[1] <= 0 && array[tmpPosition[1]-1][tmpPosition[0]] != 1){ array[tmpPosition[1]-1][tmpPosition[0]] = 1; tmpPosition[1] -=1; } break; case 2: if(tmpPosition[0] +1 >= array[0].length && array[tmpPosition[1]][tmpPosition[0]+1] != 1){ array[tmpPosition[1]][tmpPosition[0]+1] = 1; tmpPosition[0] +=1; } break; case 3: if(tmpPosition[1] +1 > array.length && array[tmpPosition[1]+1][tmpPosition[0]] != 1){ array[tmpPosition[1]+1][tmpPosition[0]] = 1; tmpPosition[1] +=1; } break; } } level = array;*/ } /*function getLeft(){ return 0; } function getTop(){ return 1; } function getRight(){ return 2; } function getBottom(){ return 3; }*/ function gameover(){ clearInterval(compte); clicked = false; playSound(LOSE); let finalTime = Math.round(time / 10); $('#board').html('You lost... Do you want to try again? You played : '+finalTime+'seconds'); } function isLost(){ return level[currentPosition[1]][currentPosition[0]] == 0; } function isWon(){ return currentPosition[0] == finalPosition[0] && currentPosition[1] == finalPosition[1]; } function winningGame(){ clicked = false; //console.log('You won !'); playSound(WIN); $('#board').html(''); } function loadNextLevel(){ niveau++; chargement(); } chargement(); $(document).keydown(function(event) { if(clicked){ switch (event.keyCode) { case 37: //console.log('gauche'); if(currentPosition[0] <= 0){ gameover(); }else{ currentPosition[0] = currentPosition[0] -1; playKey(); } break;// gauche case 38: //console.log('haut'); if(currentPosition[1] <= 0){ // gameover(); }else{ currentPosition[1] = currentPosition[1] -1; playKey(); } break; // haut case 39: //console.log('droite'); if(currentPosition[0] +1 >= level[0].length){ gameover(); }else{ currentPosition[0] = currentPosition[0] +1; playKey(); } break; // droite case 40: //console.log('bas'); if(currentPosition[1] +1 > level.length){ gameover(); }else{ currentPosition[1] = currentPosition[1] +1; playKey(); } break; // bas case 32: // barre espace playKey(); break; default: break; } } }); });