All documentation @ **disclaimer:** This class is functionnal. Anyway, use it only if you don't have other choices. For example, [Zend]( and Symfony got their own RSS factory, don't add another one in. ---------------------------------- How to make it read RSS? First, we need to load the RSS : $rss = SRSS::read(''); Easy, right? Then you can extract general information : echo $rss->title; // will display blog title Then, you can take care of articles. You can select a precise article : $article1 = $rss->getItem(1); // or $rss->getFirst(); Or looping them : foreach($rss as $article) { echo ''. SRSSTools::formatDate('d/m/y', $item->pubDate).' '.$item->title.''; } If you like arrays, you can transform the RSS into an array : $rssArray = $rss->toArray(); You can also save it into your server with : $rss->save('/www/rss/rss.xml'); // example ---------------------------------- How to make it create RSS? First, we need to initialize the RSS : $rss = SRSS::create(); Easy, right? Then you can add general information : $rss->title = 'My Awesome Blog'; $rss->link = ''; $rss->description = 'is awesome'; Those 3 are mandatory to validate your RSS, other options can be added. Then, you can add articles. Let's imagine $content contains an array from your database. foreach($content as $item){ $rssitem= new SRSSItem; // we create an item $rssitem->title = $item["title"]; // adding title (option) $rssitem->link = $item['link']; // adding link (option) $rssitem->pubDate = $item["date"]; // date automatically transformed into RSS format (option) $rssitem->description = $item["text"]; // adding description (mandatory) $rss->addItem($rssitem); // we add the item into our RSS } There are 2 functions to add item. The first one will add items in the order you enter them, from top to bottom. $rss->addItem($item); The other one does the opposite and add the next item in top of your RSS $rss->addItemBefore($item); ---------------------------------- Contact :