createElement('rss'); $root->setAttribute('version', '2.0'); $channel = $this->createElement('channel'); $root->appendChild($channel); $this->appendChild($root); $this->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $this->generator = 'Shikiryu RSS'; $this->formatOutput = true; $this->preserveWhiteSpace = false; // $docs = ''; } /** * add a SRSS Item as an item into current RSS as first item * @param SRSSItem $item */ public function addItemBefore(SRSSItem $item) { $node = $this->importNode($item->getItem(), true); $items = $this->getElementsByTagName('item'); if($items->length != 0){ $firstNode = $items->item(0); if($firstNode != null) $firstNode->parentNode->insertBefore($node, $firstNode); else $this->addItem($item); } else $this->addItem($item); } /** * add a SRSS Item as an item into current RSS * @param SRSSItem $item */ public function addItem(SRSSItem $item) { $node = $this->importNode($item->getItem(), true); $channel = $this->_getChannel(); $channel->appendChild($node); } /** * display XML * see DomDocument's docs */ public function show(): bool|string { // TODO build return $this->saveXml(); } /** * setter of "image"'s channel attributes * @param $url string picture's url * @param $title string picture's title * @param $link string link on the picture * @param $width int width * @param $height int height * @param $description string description * TODO */ public function setImage($url, $title, $link, $width = 0, $height = 0, $description = '') { $channel = $this->_getChannel(); $array = []; $url = SRSSTools::checkLink($url); $array['url'] = $url; $title = SRSSTools::noHTML($title); $array['title'] = $title; $link = SRSSTools::checkLink($link); $array['link'] = $link; if($width != 0) { $width = SRSSTools::checkInt($width); $array['width'] = $width; } if($height != 0) { $height = SRSSTools::checkInt($height); $array['height'] = $height; } if($description != 0) { $description = SRSSTools::noHTML($description); $array['description'] = $description; } if($this->image == null) { $node = $this->createElement('image'); $urlNode = $this->createElement('url', $url); $titleNode = $this->createElement('title', $title); $linkNode = $this->createElement('link', $link); $node->appendChild($urlNode); $node->appendChild($titleNode); $node->appendChild($linkNode); if($width != 0) { $widthNode = $this->createElement('width', $width); $node->appendChild($widthNode); } if($height != 0) { $heightNode = $this->createElement('height', $height); $node->appendChild($heightNode); } if($description != '') { $descNode = $this->createElement('description', $description); $node->appendChild($descNode); } $channel->appendChild($node); } $this->attr['image'] = $array; } /** * setter of "cloud"'s channel attributes * @param $domain string domain * @param $port int port * @param $path string path * @param $registerProcedure string register procedure * @param $protocol string protocol * TODO */ public function setCloud($domain, $port, $path, $registerProcedure, $protocol) { $channel = $this->_getChannel(); $array = array(); $domain = SRSSTools::noHTML($domain); $array['domain'] = $domain; $port = SRSSTools::checkInt($port); $array['port'] = $port; $path = SRSSTools::noHTML($path); $array['path'] = $path; $registerProcedure = SRSSTools::noHTML($registerProcedure); $array['registerProcedure'] = $registerProcedure; $protocol = SRSSTools::noHTML($protocol); $array['protocol'] = $protocol; if($this->cloud == null) { $node = $this->createElement('cloud'); $node->setAttribute('domain', $domain); $node->setAttribute('port', $port); $node->setAttribute('path', $path); $node->setAttribute('registerProcedure', $registerProcedure); $node->setAttribute('protocol', $protocol); $channel->appendChild($node); } $this->attr['cloud'] = $array; } }