_buffer = null; $this->_databaseName = $databaseName; $this->_itemName = $itemName; $this->_tableName = $tableName; $this->_encoding = $encoding; $this->_primaryKey = $pk; $this->_file = $file; $this->_doc = new DOMDocument; $this->_doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $this->_doc->formatOutput = true; if($this->_doc->load($this->_file)){ $this->_xpath = new DOMXpath($this->_doc); } else{ if($createIfNotExist){ $this->createDatabase($file); }else{ $this->_file = null; $this->_doc = null; $this->xpath = null; } } } public function createDatabase($file){ $this->_file = $file; $this->_doc = DOMDocument::loadXML('_encoding . '"?> <' . $this->_databaseName . '> _databaseName . '>'); $this->_xpath = new DOMXpath($this->_doc); return $this->save(); } public function dropDatabase($definitely = false){ if($definitely){ unlink($this->_file); }else{ $this->createDatabase($this->_file); } } public function createTable($name, $autoincrement = false, $aiDefaultValue = 0){ if($name == '*' || $this->tableAlreadyExists($name)) return false; else{ if($autoincrement) return $this->insert(array('name'=>$this->_tableName, 'attributes'=>array('name'=>$name, 'autoincrement'=>'true', 'aivalue'=>$aiDefaultValue))); else return $this->insert(array('name'=>$this->_tableName, 'attributes'=>array('name'=>$name))); } } public function dropTable($table){ return $this->delete($table); } /** * @return bool */ public function tableAlreadyExists($tableName){ if($this->selectTable($tableName, 'count') >= 1) return true; return false; } public function isTableAI($table){ if($this->tableAlreadyExists($table)){ $table = $this->selectTable($table); $ai = $this->getAttribute('autoincrement', $table); if($ai == 'true') return true; } return false; } private function updateTableAIValue($table){ if($this->tableAlreadyExists($table)){ $table = $this->selectTable($table); $newValue = $table->item(0)->getAttribute('aivalue')+1; $table->item(0)->setAttribute('aivalue', $newValue); return $newValue; } return false; } public function pkAlreadyExists($pk, $table = '*'){ if($this->selectFromPK($table, $pk , 'count') > 0){ return true; } return false; } public function isLoaded(){ if($this->_doc != null) return true; else return false; } public function count($from, $id = null, $attributes = null, $childs = null){ return $this->select($from, $id, $attributes, $childs, 'count'); } public function setPrimaryKey($pk){ $this->_primaryKey = $pk; } public function getPrimaryKey(){ return $this->_primaryKey; } public function getXPath(){ return $this->_xpath; } public function setBuffer($node){ $this->_buffer = $node; } public function getBuffer($buffer){ return $this->_buffer; } private function getNewIncrement($table){ /* the old way $field_count = $this->selectAllFromTable($table, 'count'); $nb = 1; $tableArray = $this->selectAllFromTable($table, 'array'); //$test = $xmla->note; for($i=0;$i<$field_count;$i++){ if($nb <= (int)$tableArray[$i]['attributes'][$this->_primaryKey]) $nb = (int)$tableArray[$i]['attributes'][$this->_primaryKey]+1; } return $nb; */ return $this->updateTableAIValue($table); } /** * Saving the DB file */ public function save(){ if($this->_doc != null && $this->_file != null){ $this->_doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $this->_doc->formatOutput = true; $this->_doc->save($this->_file); return true; }else{ return false; } } private function getResult($request, $format){ switch($format){ case "node": return $request; break; case "count": return $request->length; break; case "array": default: return $this->requestToArray($request); } } // TODO checking $request private function requestToArray($request){ $return = array(); $number = 0; foreach($request as $element){ /*if($childName != null && $childValue != null) $element = $element->parentNode;*/ $elementValue = $element->attributes->item(0)->value; $return[$number]['name'] = $this->_itemName; $return[$number]['attributes'] = array($this->_primaryKey => $elementValue); $return[$number]['childs'] = array(); //Retrieving Attributes $attributes = $element->attributes; $length = $attributes->length; for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) { if($attributes->item($i)->name != '') $return[$number]['attributes'][$attributes->item($i)->name] = $attributes->item($i)->value; } // Retrivieving childs $nodes = $element->childNodes; $length = $nodes->length; for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) { if($nodes->item($i)->nodeName != '') $return[$number]['childs'][$nodes->item($i)->nodeName] = $nodes->item($i)->nodeValue; } $number++; } return $return; } private function arrayToNode($node){ if(!is_array($node) || !in_array($node['name'], array($this->_tableName, $this->_itemName))) return; $element = $this->_doc->createElement($node['name']); if(isset($node['attributes'])){ foreach($node['attributes'] as $attributeName=>$attributeValue){ if($attributeName != '') $element->setAttribute($attributeName, $attributeValue); } } if(isset($node['childs'])){ foreach($node['childs'] as $childName=>$childValue){ if($childName != ''){ $newElement = $this->_doc->createElement($childName, $childValue); $element->appendChild($newElement); } } } return $element; } public function getAttribute($attribute, $node){ if($node->length == 1){ return $node->item(0)->getAttribute($attribute); }else{ return false; } } public function getChildValue($child, $node){ if($node->length == 1){ $nodeArray = $this->requestToArray($node); if(isset($nodeArray[0]['childs'][$child])) return $nodeArray[0]['childs'][$child]; } return false; } /** * Shortcuts for select */ public function selectTable($name, $format = 'node'){ return $this->select($name, null, null, null, $format); } public function selectAllFromTable($name, $format = 'node'){ return $this->select($name, null, null, null, $format, '/'.$this->_itemName); } public function selectFromAttribute($table, $attributes, $format = 'array'){ return $this->select($table, null, $attributes, null, $format,'/'.$this->_itemName); } public function selectFromChildren($table, $childs, $format = 'array'){ return $this->select($table, null, null, $childs, $format, '/'.$this->_itemName); } public function selectFromPK($table, $pk, $format = "array"){ return $this->select($table, $pk, null, null, $format, '/'.$this->_itemName); } /** * Allows you to get an array of the node you're looking for based on a "where" search thanks to child or attribute value * @param $from string Name of the table * @param $id string value of the primary key * @param $childs array name/value of the child node * @param $attributes array name/value of the attribute * @return array */ private function select($from, $id = null, $attributes = null, $childs = null, $format = 'array', $item = ''){ if($id != null && !is_array($id)){ $attribute = '[@' . $this->_primaryKey . ' = "' . $id . '"]'; } if($attributes != null && is_array($attributes)){ foreach($attributes as $attributeName=>$attributeValue) $attribute .= '[@' . $attributeName . ' = "' . $attributeValue . '"]'; } if($childs != null && is_array($childs)){ foreach($childs as $childName=>$childValue) $child .= '[' . $childName . '="' . $childValue . '"]'; } if($from == '*') $request = $this->_xpath->query('//item'.$attribute.$child); else $request = $this->_xpath->query('//' . $this->_tableName . '[@name = "'.$from.'"]'.$item.$attribute.$child); return $this->getResult($request, $format); } /** * Same as above, but user can build his own xpath */ public function select_xpath($from, $xpath, $format = 'array'){ if (!$from || !$xpath) { throw new Exception('uhoh, no table selected'); } $request = $this->_xpath->query('//' . $this->_tableName . '[@name = "'.$from.'"]/'.$xpath); switch($format){ case "node": $return = $request; break; case "count": $return = $request->length; break; case "array": default: $return = $this->requestToArray($request); } return $return; } /** * Allows you to insert a node into your DB thanks to an array * @param $node array with 'name' 'attributes' and 'childs' * @param $table string in which node you want to put it. By default, the root of the xml file * @param $position string 'before' or 'after' * @return bool */ public function insertItem($id = null, $attributes = null, $childs = null, $table){ if($id == null && $this->isTableAI($table)){ $id = $this->getNewIncrement($table); } else if(($id == null && !$this->isTableAI($table)) || ($id != null && $this->isTableAI($table))) return false; if($attributes == null) $attributes = array($this->_primaryKey=>$id); else $attributes += array($this->_primaryKey=>$id); if($this->tableAlreadyExists($table) && !$this->pkAlreadyExists($id, $table)) return $this->insert(array('name'=>$this->_itemName, 'attributes'=>$attributes, 'childs'=>$childs), $table); return false; } // TODO $position private function insert($node, $table = null, $position = null){ if(isset($node[0])) $node = $node[0]; if(!is_array($node) || !isset($node['name']) || !isset($node['attributes'])){ return false; } // Creating the node from an array $element = $this->arrayToNode($node); // Inserting the node into the DB // case : creation of a new table if($table == null && !$this->tableAlreadyExists($node['name'])){ $this->_doc->firstChild->appendChild($element); }else if($table != null){ // case : insertion into the end of table if(!$this->tableAlreadyExists($table) || $this->pkAlreadyExists($node['attributes'][$this->_primaryKey], $table)){ return false; } $request = $this->_xpath->query('//' . $this->_tableName . '[@name = "'.$table.'"]'); $request->item(0)->appendChild($element); }else{ return false; } return $this->save(); } /** * * @param $table string * @param $oldAttribute string name of the attribute you want to change * @param $newAttribute array name/value of the attribute you want to add * @param $forceInsert bool * @return bool */ public function updateItemAttribute($table, $oldAttribute, $newAttribute, $forceInsert = false){ $request = $this->select($table, null, array($oldAttribute[0]=>$oldAttribute[1]), null, 'node', '/'.$this->_itemName); if($request->length == 1){ if(!$forceInsert){ $request->item(0)->setAttribute($oldAttribute[0],$newAttribute[1]); }else{ $request->item(0)->setAttribute($newAttribute[0],$newAttribute[1]); } return $this->save(); } else return false; } /** * * @param $table string * @param $value string new value of the node * @return bool */ public function updateItemValue($table, $attribute = null, $child = null, $value){ $request = $this->select($table, null, array($attribute[0]=>$attribute[1]), null, 'node', '/'.$this->_itemName); //$request = $this->_xpath->query('//'.$node.'[@' . $attribute[0] . ' = "' . $attribute[1] . '"]'); if($request->length == 1){ $request = $request->item(0); $newText = new DOMText($value); $request->removeChild($request->firstChild); $request->appendChild($newText); return $this->save(); } else return false; } public function deleteItem($table, $id = null, $attributes = null){ if($id == null && $attributes == null) return false; if($id != null) return $this->delete($table, $id); return $this->delete($table, null, $attributes); } /** * Delete an entry * @param $table name of the table in which the entry is * @param $id $attributes array where condition(s) * @return bool */ private function delete($table, $id = null, $attributes = null){ if($id != null && $attributes != null) return false; if($id != null) $request = $this->selectFromPK($table, $id, 'node')->item(0); if($attributes != null) $request = $this->selectFromAttribute($table, array($attribute[0]=>$attribute[1]), 'node')->item(0); if($attributes == null && $id == null) $request = $this->selectTable($table); if($request == null) return false; try{ $request->parentNode->removeChild($request); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); return false; } return $this->save(); } public function deleteNode($node){ if($node == null) return false; $node = $node->item(0); $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); return $this->save(); } public function move($node, $to, $itemAfter = ''){ $this->_buffer = $node; if($this->deleteNode($node)){ $nodeArray = $this->requestToArray($this->_buffer); return $this->insert($nodeArray, $to); }else return false; } }