Shikiryu 2019-10-21 09:34:04 +02:00
parent c828f7aedd
commit 0997b6318b

41 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
## Create Database
*Syntax:* public function createDatabase($file)
*Params:* `$file` filename
Mainly use in the constructor
`$xmldb = new XMLDB('test.xml', 'id', true);`
*Particular Behaviour:*
Thanks to the constructor, you can manage your DB `__construct($file, $pk = "id", $createIfNotExist = false, $databaseName = "Database", $tableName = "table", $itemName = "item", $encoding = "utf-8")`
We advise you to stay with default params anyway.
## Drop Database
*Syntax:* `public function dropDatabase($definitely = false)`
*Params:* `$definitely` boolean do you wanna delete the file too ?
*Example:* `$xmldbtest->dropDatabase();` will reset your DB, but your file'll still exist on your server.
## Create Table
*Syntax:* `public function createTable($name, $autoincrement = false, $aiDefaultValue = 0)`
*Example:* `$xmldbtest->createTable('table1', true, 2)`
The new table will append in your DB. Therefore, it'll be the last table in the file (if it might help).
*New:* You can now configure each table with an autoincrement index.
h2. Drop Table
*Syntax:* `public function dropTable($table)`
*Example:* `$xmldbtest->dropTable('table1')`
This will delete the table with the given name.