select(['email'])->from('emails')->where(null, ['token' => $email, 'confirmed' => 1])->query(); if (empty($filtered_email)) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Invalid token"); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); // TODO log for fail2ban exit; } $filtered_email = current($filtered_email); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $content = ''; $f = $xpath !== '' ? @$doc->loadHTMLFile($url) : false; if ($f !== false) { $xp = new DomXPath($doc); $content = $xp->query($xpath) !== false ? $doc->saveXML($xp->query($xpath)->item(0)) : ''; } $body = "\n" . $title; $body .= "\nLink => " . $url; $body .= "\n" . $content; $body .= "\nThanks for using our service."; $body .= "\n\nShikiryu"; $body .= "\n\nAny complain or advise?"; include 'phpmailer.php'; try { $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->setFrom($config['from_email'], $config['from_name']); $mail->Subject = 'A new article to read : ' . $title; $mail->addAddress($filtered_email); if (!empty($config['bcc'])) { $mail->addBCC($config['bcc']); } if ($xpath === '') { $mail->Body = $body; } else { $mail->Body = '
' . nl2br($body) . '
'; } if ($mail->send()) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Email Sent."); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } else { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Problem while sending email. Sorry."); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } catch (phpmailerException $et) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Error from sendmail :("); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); exit; } catch (Exception $ep) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Email from SMTP :("); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); exit; } } else { if ($filtered_version === false) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Invalid Version"); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } if ($filtered_url === false) { echo sprintf('loadScript("//%s/js/alertify.min.js",function() { alertify.alert("Invalid URL"); });', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } } else if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $filtered_email = filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if ($filtered_email !== false) { try { $token = bin2hex(random_bytes(72)); //ADDING STATS include 'XMLSQL.php'; $stats = new XMLSQL('emails.xml'); $stats->insert(['ip' => getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'date' => date('d/m/Y'), 'token' => $token, 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'confirmed' => 0])->into('emails')->query(); $body = "\nHi,"; $body .= "\nSomeone registered this email on our service."; $body .= "\n"; $body .= "\nIf it's you, please click this link to confirm.'; $body .= "\nElse, please ignore this mail."; $body .= "\nRegards,"; $body .= "\n\nShikiryu"; $body .= "\n\nAny complain or advise?"; include 'phpmailer.php'; $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->setFrom($config['from_email'], $config['from_name']); $mail->Subject = 'Please confirm your address'; $mail->Body = $body; $mail->addAddress($filtered_email); if (!empty($config['bcc'])) { $mail->addBCC($config['bcc']); } if ($mail->send()) { if (isset($_POST['html']) && $_POST['html'] === 'on') { // bookmarklet pour l'envoi en HTML $include = 'Bookmark by email'; } else { // bookmarklet pour l'envoi normal $include = "Bookmark by email"; } } else { $include = 'Can\'t send mail.'; } } catch (Exception $e) { $include = 'An error occured ('.$e->getMessage().')'; } } else { $include = '

Invalid email. Please go back

'; } include 'template.php'; } elseif (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { include 'XMLSQL.php'; $stats = new XMLSQL(__DIR__.'/emails.xml'); $filtered_email = $stats->select()->from('emails')->where(null, ['token' => $_GET['t'], 'confirmed' => 0])->query(); if (empty($filtered_email)) { $filtered_email = $stats->select(['email'])->from('emails')->where(null, ['token' => $_GET['t'], 'confirmed' => 1])->query(); if (!empty($filtered_email)) { $include = 'Your email has already been confirmed.'; } else { $include = 'Your token is inexistant.'; } } else { $stats->update('emails')->set(['confirmed' => '1'])->where($filtered_email[0]['attributes']['id'])->query(); $include = 'Your email has been confirmed. Enjoy!'; } include 'template.php'; } else { $include = '
'; include 'template.php'; }