import {CalendarHeatmapValuesProp} from "./CalendarHeatmapValuesProp"; import {ReactEventHandler} from "react"; export interface CalendarHeatmapProp { values: CalendarHeatmapValuesProp[]; // array of objects with date and arbitrary metadata startDate: Date; // start of date range endDate: Date; // end of date range gutterSize: number; // size of space between squares horizontal: boolean; // whether to orient horizontally or vertically showMonthLabels: boolean; // whether to show month labels showWeekdayLabels: boolean; // whether to show weekday labels showOutOfRangeDays: boolean; // whether to render squares for extra days in week after endDate, and before start date tooltipDataAttrs: object; // data attributes to add to square for setting 3rd party tooltips, e.g. { 'data-toggle': 'tooltip' } for bootstrap tooltips onClick: (v:string) => void; // callback function when a square is clicked onMouseOver?: (e:ReactEventHandler, v:string) => void; // callback function when mouse pointer is over a square onMouseLeave?: (e:ReactEventHandler, v:string) => void; // callback function when mouse pointer is left a square transformDayElement?: (element:JSX.Element, v:string, i:number) => void; // function to further transform the svg element for a single day }