# Mots mélés This game is about words to search in a grid. It first started as a personal side project, but now, I want to give it life. ## How it works Pretty simple. You gave it a grid of letter like this ```var GRID = [ ['S','S','S','A','U','B','A','G','N','E'], ['E','P','A','A','M','V','E','N','C','E'], ['L','U','L','M','I','R','A','M','A','S'], ['R','A','O','G','E','X','A','C','O','E'], ['A','L','N','E','G','N','A','R','O','R'], ['T','O','U','L','O','N','G','L','R','E'], ['N','D','S','T','N','U','E','I','E','Y'], ['I','N','P','E','E','N','I','L','D','H'], ['C','A','S','S','U','J','E','R','F','L'], ['E','B','E','L','S','I','S','S','A','C'] ];``` And a list of words to find like this > var words = ['AIX','APT','ARLES','AUBAGNE','AUPS','AVIGNON','BANDOL','CANNES','CASSIS','DIGNE','FREJUS','HYERES','LUNEL','MIRAMAS','NICE','ORANGE','SALON','SORGUES','TOULON','VENCE']; And that should be it. (well, you need 2 other parameters I'm gonna get rid of. ## TODO ### v0.0.2 * diagonal detection (for now, it's only vertical and horizontal words) * get rid of those 2 useless parameters * better protection against user ### v0.0.3 * make a user friendly "generator" ** interface where a user can enter a grid and a list of words easily giving an output like the JS one right now ### v0.0.4 * make an automatic generator ** give it a size, it'll fetch words via an API and make the grid with those.