def time_converter(time): time_string = int(time.replace(':', '')) time_array = time.split(':') if time_string < 100: return "12:{} a.m.".format(time_array[1]) elif time_string < 1200: return "{} a.m.".format(time.lstrip('0')) elif time_string < 1300: return "{} p.m.".format(time.lstrip('0')) else: return "{}:{} p.m.".format(int(time_array[0]) - 12, time_array[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': print("Example:") print(time_converter('12:30')) # These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing assert time_converter('00:00') == '12:00 a.m.' assert time_converter('12:30') == '12:30 p.m.' assert time_converter('09:00') == '9:00 a.m.' assert time_converter('23:15') == '11:15 p.m.' print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")