mirror of
synced 2020-02-03 22:08:42 +01:00
<g> managed | path can be filled (experimental) | colors managed as specifications | path relative & absolute | 'cm' & 'in' virtualized | element param getter factorized
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// prendre en compte l'opacité grâce à imagecolorallocatealpha ?
// prendre en compte l'opacité grâce à imagecolorallocatealpha ?
// ajout de title
// ajout de title
// ajout de <text fill="#000000" x="541" y="258" transform="rotate(-0, 541, 258)" font-size="10" font-family="SansSerif" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal">0</text>
// ajout de <text fill="#000000" x="541" y="258" transform="rotate(-0, 541, 258)" font-size="10" font-family="SansSerif" font-style="normal" font-weight="normal">0</text>
// refaire path en GROS polygon
include 'log.php';
include 'log.php';
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
protected $_height;
protected $_height;
protected $_showDesc = false;
protected $_showDesc = false;
protected $_desc;
protected $_desc;
protected $_currentOptions;
private $transparentColor = array(0,0,255);
private $transparentColor = array(0,0,255);
public $_debug = true; // change to false to stop debug mode
public $_debug = true; // change to false to stop debug mode
@ -33,11 +35,159 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
'z' => 'EndingLine',
'z' => 'EndingLine',
/* array of color names => hex color
/* array of color names => rgb color
because some svg creator uses them
because some svg creator uses them
used http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/w3c/svg1/types.html#ColorKeywords
private $colors = array(
private $colors = array(
'black' => '#000000',
'aliceblue'=>array(240, 248, 255),
'antiquewhite'=>array(250, 235, 215),
'aqua'=>array( 0, 255, 255),
'aquamarine'=>array(127, 255, 212),
'azure'=>array(240, 255, 255),
'beige'=>array(245, 245, 220),
'bisque'=>array(255, 228, 196),
'black'=>array( 0, 0, 0),
'blanchedalmond'=>array(255, 235, 205),
'blue'=>array( 0, 0, 255),
'blueviolet'=>array(138, 43, 226),
'brown'=>array(165, 42, 42),
'burlywood'=>array(222, 184, 135),
'cadetblue'=>array( 95, 158, 160),
'chartreuse'=>array(127, 255, 0),
'chocolate'=>array(210, 105, 30),
'coral'=>array(255, 127, 80),
'cornflowerblue'=>array(100, 149, 237),
'cornsilk'=>array(255, 248, 220),
'crimson'=>array(220, 20, 60),
'cyan'=>array( 0, 255, 255),
'darkblue'=>array( 0, 0, 139),
'darkcyan'=>array( 0, 139, 139),
'darkgoldenrod'=>array(184, 134, 11),
'darkgray'=>array(169, 169, 169),
'darkgreen'=>array( 0, 100, 0),
'darkgrey'=>array(169, 169, 169),
'darkkhaki'=>array(189, 183, 107),
'darkmagenta'=>array(139, 0, 139),
'darkolivegreen'=>array( 85, 107, 47),
'darkorange'=>array(255, 140, 0),
'darkorchid'=>array(153, 50, 204),
'darkred'=>array(139, 0, 0),
'darksalmon'=>array(233, 150, 122),
'darkseagreen'=>array(143, 188, 143),
'darkslateblue'=>array( 72, 61, 139),
'darkslategray'=>array( 47, 79, 79),
'darkslategrey'=>array( 47, 79, 79),
'darkturquoise'=>array( 0, 206, 209),
'darkviolet'=>array(148, 0, 211),
'deeppink'=>array(255, 20, 147),
'deepskyblue'=>array( 0, 191, 255),
'dimgray'=>array(105, 105, 105),
'dimgrey'=>array(105, 105, 105),
'dodgerblue'=>array( 30, 144, 255),
'firebrick'=>array(178, 34, 34),
'floralwhite'=>array(255, 250, 240),
'forestgreen'=>array( 34, 139, 34),
'fuchsia'=>array(255, 0, 255),
'gainsboro'=>array(220, 220, 220),
'ghostwhite'=>array(248, 248, 255),
'gold'=>array(255, 215, 0),
'goldenrod'=>array(218, 165, 32),
'gray'=>array(128, 128, 128),
'grey'=>array(128, 128, 128),
'green'=>array( 0, 128, 0),
'greenyellow'=>array(173, 255, 47),
'honeydew'=>array(240, 255, 240),
'hotpink'=>array(255, 105, 180),
'indianred'=>array(205, 92, 92),
'indigo'=>array( 75, 0, 130),
'ivory'=>array(255, 255, 240),
'khaki'=>array(240, 230, 140),
'lavender'=>array(230, 230, 250),
'lavenderblush'=>array(255, 240, 245),
'lawngreen'=>array(124, 252, 0),
'lemonchiffon'=>array(255, 250, 205),
'lightblue'=>array(173, 216, 230),
'lightcoral'=>array(240, 128, 128),
'lightcyan'=>array(224, 255, 255),
'lightgoldenrodyellow'=>array(250, 250, 210),
'lightgray'=>array(211, 211, 211),
'lightgreen'=>array(144, 238, 144),
'lightgrey'=>array(211, 211, 211),
'lightpink'=>array(255, 182, 193),
'lightsalmon'=>array(255, 160, 122),
'lightseagreen'=>array( 32, 178, 170),
'lightskyblue'=>array(135, 206, 250),
'lightslategray'=>array(119, 136, 153),
'lightslategrey'=>array(119, 136, 153),
'lightsteelblue'=>array(176, 196, 222),
'lightyellow'=>array(255, 255, 224),
'lime'=>array( 0, 255, 0),
'limegreen'=>array( 50, 205, 50),
'linen'=>array(250, 240, 230),
'magenta'=>array(255, 0, 255),
'maroon'=>array(128, 0, 0),
'mediumaquamarine'=>array(102, 205, 170),
'mediumblue'=>array( 0, 0, 205),
'mediumorchid'=>array(186, 85, 211),
'mediumpurple'=>array(147, 112, 219),
'mediumseagreen'=>array( 60, 179, 113),
'mediumslateblue'=>array(123, 104, 238),
'mediumspringgreen'=>array( 0, 250, 154),
'mediumturquoise'=>array( 72, 209, 204),
'mediumvioletred'=>array(199, 21, 133),
'midnightblue'=>array( 25, 25, 112),
'mintcream'=>array(245, 255, 250),
'mistyrose'=>array(255, 228, 225),
'moccasin'=>array(255, 228, 181),
'navajowhite'=>array(255, 222, 173),
'navy'=>array( 0, 0, 128),
'oldlace'=>array(253, 245, 230),
'olive'=>array(128, 128, 0),
'olivedrab'=>array(107, 142, 35),
'orange'=>array(255, 165, 0),
'orangered'=>array(255, 69, 0),
'orchid'=>array(218, 112, 214),
'palegoldenrod'=>array(238, 232, 170),
'palegreen'=>array(152, 251, 152),
'paleturquoise'=>array(175, 238, 238),
'palevioletred'=>array(219, 112, 147),
'papayawhip'=>array(255, 239, 213),
'peachpuff'=>array(255, 218, 185),
'peru'=>array(205, 133, 63),
'pink'=>array(255, 192, 203),
'plum'=>array(221, 160, 221),
'powderblue'=>array(176, 224, 230),
'purple'=>array(128, 0, 128),
'red'=>array(255, 0, 0),
'rosybrown'=>array(188, 143, 143),
'royalblue'=>array( 65, 105, 225),
'saddlebrown'=>array(139, 69, 19),
'salmon'=>array(250, 128, 114),
'sandybrown'=>array(244, 164, 96),
'seagreen'=>array( 46, 139, 87),
'seashell'=>array(255, 245, 238),
'sienna'=>array(160, 82, 45),
'silver'=>array(192, 192, 192),
'skyblue'=>array(135, 206, 235),
'slateblue'=>array(106, 90, 205),
'slategray'=>array(112, 128, 144),
'slategrey'=>array(112, 128, 144),
'snow'=>array(255, 250, 250),
'springgreen'=>array( 0, 255, 127),
'steelblue'=>array( 70, 130, 180),
'tan'=>array(210, 180, 140),
'teal'=>array( 0, 128, 128),
'thistle'=>array(216, 191, 216),
'tomato'=>array(255, 99, 71),
'turquoise'=>array( 64, 224, 208),
'violet'=>array(238, 130, 238),
'wheat'=>array(245, 222, 179),
'white'=>array(255, 255, 255),
'whitesmoke'=>array(245, 245, 245),
'yellow'=>array(255, 255, 0),
'yellowgreen'=>array(154, 205, 50)
/*'black' => '#000000',
'red' => '#FF0000',
'red' => '#FF0000',
'white' => '#FFFFFF',
'white' => '#FFFFFF',
'turquoise' => '#00FFFF',
'turquoise' => '#00FFFF',
@ -55,7 +205,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
'pastel green' => '#00FF00',
'pastel green' => '#00FF00',
'forest green' => '#808000',
'forest green' => '#808000',
'pink' => '#FF00FF',
'pink' => '#FF00FF',
'grass green' => '#408080',
'grass green' => '#408080',*/
@ -74,6 +224,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* @return : instance of this class
* @return : instance of this class
public static function load($file){
public static function load($file){
$log = new Log('load.dat');
$log->message('loading : '.$file);
$svg = file_get_contents($file);
$svg = file_get_contents($file);
return new SVGTOIMAGE($svg);
return new SVGTOIMAGE($svg);
@ -171,18 +323,38 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return $imageSize;
return $imageSize;
* @param string size of picture or element
* @return int "real" size of element. To eliminate SVG with centimeters
private function _getSizeType($value){
$value = rtrim($value);
case 'cm':
return $value * 30; // approximatively
case 'in':
return $value * 12; // approximatively
case 'px':
case 'pt':
return $value;
* @return int final image width
* @return int final image width
private function _getImageWidth(){
private function _getImageWidth(){
return isset($this->_width) ? $this->_width : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->width;
return isset($this->_width) ? $this->_width : $this->_getSizeType($this->_svgXML->attributes()->width);
* @return int final image height
* @return int final image height
private function _getImageHeight(){
private function _getImageHeight(){
return isset($this->_height) ? $this->_height : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->height;
return isset($this->_height) ? $this->_height : $this->_getSizeType($this->_svgXML->attributes()->height);
@ -190,7 +362,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* @return array with R | G | B
* @return array with R | G | B
private function _parseColor($colorCode){
private function _parseColor($colorCode){
if(strlen($colorCode) == 7){
if(is_string($colorCode) && strlen($colorCode) == 7){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode);
return array(
return array(
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 2), 16, 10),
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 2), 16, 10),
@ -198,7 +370,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 5, 2), 16, 10),
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 5, 2), 16, 10),
if(strlen($colorCode) == 4){
if(is_string($colorCode) && strlen($colorCode) == 4){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode);
return array(
return array(
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 1).substr($colorCode, 1, 1), 16, 10),
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 1).substr($colorCode, 1, 1), 16, 10),
@ -206,8 +378,11 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 3, 1).substr($colorCode, 3, 1), 16, 10),
base_convert(substr($colorCode, 3, 1).substr($colorCode, 3, 1), 16, 10),
if(is_array($colorCode) && count($colorCode) == 3){
return $colorCode;
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Couleur mal indiquée '.$colorCode);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Couleur mal indiquée '.$colorCode);
return array(0,0,0);
return array(0,0,0); // !#FFF || !#FFFFFF || !array(255,255,255) then black
@ -218,9 +393,9 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
private function _allocateColor($color){
private function _allocateColor($color){
if($color != '' && array_key_exists(strtolower($color), $this->colors)){
if($color != '' && array_key_exists(strtolower($color), $this->colors)){
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($this->colors[$color]);
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($this->colors[$color]);
}elseif($color != ''){
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($color);
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($color);
}else return;
return imagecolorallocate( $this->_image, $arrayColor[0], $arrayColor[1], $arrayColor[2] );
return imagecolorallocate( $this->_image, $arrayColor[0], $arrayColor[1], $arrayColor[2] );
@ -241,6 +416,74 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return $tiret;
return $tiret;
* @param node $element
* @return array options
private function _getParams($element){
$options = $this->_currentOptions;
foreach($element->attributes() as $name => $value){
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'r':
case 'width':
case 'height':
$options[$name] = $this->_getSizeType($value);
case 'cx':
$options['x'] = $this->_getSizeType($value);
case 'cy':
$options['y'] = $this->_getSizeType($value);
case 'xlink:href':
$options['href'] = $value;
case 'style' :
$allStyle = split('[;:]', $value);
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($allStyle)) {
if($allStyle[$i] == 'display' && $allStyle[$i+1] == 'none') return; // display:none? Stop looking for info
if($allStyle[$i] == 'fill') $options['fill'] = $allStyle[$i+1];
if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke') $options['stroke'] = $allStyle[$i+1];
if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke-width') $options['strokeWidth'] = $allStyle[$i+1];
case 'd':
case 'points':
$options['path'] = $value;
case 'fill':
$options['fill'] = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value;
case 'stroke-width' :
$options['strokeWidth'] = $value;
case 'stroke-dasharray' :
$options['strokeDasharray'] = $value;
case 'font-size':
$options['fontSize'] = $value;
case 'font-family':
$options['fontFamily'] = $value;
case 'font-style':
$options['fontStyle'] = $value;
case 'font-weight':
$options['fontWeight'] = $value;
$options[$name] = $value;
return $options;
* add the given image from svg to the final image
* add the given image from svg to the final image
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @param simpleXMLElement
@ -254,7 +497,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$href = '';
$href = '';
$transform = '';
$transform = '';
$r = 0;
$r = 0;
foreach($imageNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
/*foreach($imageNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
case 'x': $x = $value; break;
case 'x': $x = $value; break;
case 'y': $y = $value; break;
case 'y': $y = $value; break;
@ -277,7 +520,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
if($transform != ''){
if($transform != ''){
$transforms = split('[()]', $transform);
$transforms = split('[()]', $transform);
$nb = count($transforms);
$nb = count($transforms);
@ -381,7 +625,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('ax : '.$ax.', ay : '.$ay);
//if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('ax : '.$ax.', ay : '.$ay);
for($t=0; $t<1; $t+=.01)
for($t=0; $t<1; $t+=.01)
$xt = $ax * $t * $t * $t + $bx * $t * $t + $cx * $t + $startX;
$xt = $ax * $t * $t * $t + $bx * $t * $t + $cx * $t + $startX;
@ -390,20 +634,90 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
// Calculate the coordinate of the Bezier curve at $t = 0..1
private function _Bezier_eval($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$t) {
// lines between successive pairs of points (degree 1)
$q1 = array((1-$t) * $p1[0] + $t * $p2[0],(1-$t) * $p1[1] + $t * $p2[1]);
$q2 = array((1-$t) * $p2[0] + $t * $p3[0],(1-$t) * $p2[1] + $t * $p3[1]);
$q3 = array((1-$t) * $p3[0] + $t * $p4[0],(1-$t) * $p3[1] + $t * $p4[1]);
// curves between successive pairs of lines. (degree 2)
$r1 = array((1-$t) * $q1[0] + $t * $q2[0],(1-$t) * $q1[1] + $t * $q2[1]);
$r2 = array((1-$t) * $q2[0] + $t * $q3[0],(1-$t) * $q2[1] + $t * $q3[1]);
// final curve between the two 2-degree curves. (degree 3)
return array((1-$t) * $r1[0] + $t * $r2[0],(1-$t) * $r1[1] + $t * $r2[1]);
// Calculate the squared distance between two points
private function _Point_distance2($p1,$p2) {
$dx = $p2[0] - $p1[0];
$dy = $p2[1] - $p1[1];
return $dx * $dx + $dy * $dy;
// Convert the curve to a polyline
private function _Bezier_convert($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$tolerance) {
$t1 = 0.0;
$prev = $p1;
$t2 = 0.1;
$tol2 = $tolerance * $tolerance;
$result []= $prev[0];
$result []= $prev[1];
while ($t1 < 1.0) {
if ($t2 > 1.0) {
$t2 = 1.0;
$next = $this->_Bezier_eval($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$t2);
$dist = $this->_Point_distance2($prev,$next);
while ($dist > $tol2) {
// Halve the distance until small enough
$t2 = $t1 + ($t2 - $t1) * 0.5;
$next = $this->_Bezier_eval($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$t2);
$dist = $this->_Point_distance2($prev,$next);
// the image*polygon functions expect a flattened array of coordiantes
$result []= $next[0];
$result []= $next[1];
$t1 = $t2;
$prev = $next;
$t2 = $t1 + 0.1;
return $result;
// Draw a Bezier curve on an image
private function _Bezier_drawfilled($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,$color) {
$polygon = $this->_Bezier_convert($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4,0.1);
// if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('polygon : '.implode(' - ', $polygon));
// imagefilledpolygon($this->_image,$polygon,count($polygon)/2,$color);
// test
return $polygon;
private function _drawPolygon($polygon, $stroke, $fill = ''){
if($fill != '' && count($polygon) > 6){
}elseif(count($polygon) > 6){
imagepolygon($this->_image, $polygon, count($polygon)/2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
* add path/lineS/polyline whatever you name it.
* add path/lineS/polyline whatever you name it.
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return lines on the final image via _drawLine
* @return lines on the final image via _drawLine
private function _parsePath($pathNode){
private function _parsePath($pathNode){
// imagesetbrush
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
$path = '';
$path = '';
$strokeWidth = 1;
$strokeWidth = 1;
$fill = '';
$fill = '';
$stroke = '';
$stroke = '';
$strokeDasharray = '';
$strokeDasharray = '';
foreach($pathNode->attributes() as $name=>$value){
/*foreach($pathNode->attributes() as $name=>$value){
case 'd': case 'points': $path = $value; break;
case 'd': case 'points': $path = $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
@ -422,7 +736,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
if(strtolower(substr($path, 0,1)) != 'm' && !is_numeric(substr($path, 0,1))){
if(strtolower(substr($path, 0,1)) != 'm' && !is_numeric(substr($path, 0,1))){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Mauvais path rencontré : '.$path);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Mauvais path rencontré : '.$path);
@ -432,7 +747,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait');
if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait');
else $this->_log->message('épaisseur du trait à : '.$this->_parseInt($strokeWidth));
else $this->_log->message('épaisseur du trait à : '.$this->_parseInt($strokeWidth));
$colorStroke = $stroke != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke) : $this->_allocateColor('black');
$colorStroke = $stroke != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke) : $this->_allocateColor('black');
$colorFill = $fill != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill) : $this->_allocateColor('black');
$colorFill = $fill != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill) : '';
//$colorFill = $fill != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill) : $this->_allocateColor('black');
if($strokeDasharray != ''){
if($strokeDasharray != ''){
$strokeDasharray = explode(',', $strokeDasharray);
$strokeDasharray = explode(',', $strokeDasharray);
imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke($strokeDasharray[0], $strokeDasharray[1], $colorStroke ));
imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke($strokeDasharray[0], $strokeDasharray[1], $colorStroke ));
@ -461,13 +777,13 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Path reconstruit ! '.implode(', ',$pathArray));
//if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Path reconstruit ! '.implode(', ',$pathArray));
$nbArray = count($pathArray);
$nbArray = count($pathArray);
$nbLine = (($nbArray-1)/2)-1;
//$nbLine = (($nbArray-1)/2)-1;
$polyPoints = array();
$i = 0;
$i = 0;
$lastX = 0;
$lastX = 0;
$lastY = 0;
$lastY = 0;
@ -476,6 +792,14 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
while ($i < $nbArray) {
while ($i < $nbArray) {
// Changement de départ
// Changement de départ
if(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'm'){
if(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'm'){
$this->_drawPolygon($polyPoints, $colorStroke, $colorFill);
$polyPoints = array();
$lastX = 0;
$lastY = 0;
$lastMX = 0;
$lastMY = 0;
$lastX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$lastX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$lastMX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$lastMX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$lastY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$lastY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
@ -484,38 +808,68 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
// Ligne
// Ligne
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'l' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'l')){
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'l' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'l')){
if(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1) == 'L'){
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$newX = $lastX + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$newY = $lastY + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$polyPoints = array_merge($polyPoints,array($lastX, $lastY, $newX, $newY));
//$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$lastOpe = 'l';
$lastOpe = 'l';
$lastX = $newX;
$lastX = $newX;
$lastY = $newY;
$lastY = $newY;
// Ligne horizontale
// Ligne horizontale
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'h' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'h')){
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'h' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'h')){
if(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1) == 'H'){
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $lastY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$newX = $lastX + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
//$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $lastY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$polyPoints = array_merge($polyPoints,array($lastX, $lastY, $newX, $newY));
$lastOpe = 'h';
$lastOpe = 'h';
$lastX = $newX;
$lastX = $newX;
// Ligne verticale
// Ligne verticale
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'v' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'v')){
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'v' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'v')){
if(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1) == 'V'){
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$newY = $lastY + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
//$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$polyPoints = array_merge($polyPoints,array($lastX, $lastY, $newX, $newY));
$lastY = $newY;
$lastY = $newY;
$lastOpe = 'v';
$lastOpe = 'v';
// Courbe
// Courbe
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'c' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'c')){
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'c' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'c')){
/*SPECIF !!! http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html*/
if(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1) == 'C'){
$control1x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$control1x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$control1y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$control1y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$control2x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]);
$control2x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]);
$control2y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]);
$control2y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]);
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+4]);
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+4]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+5]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+5]);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Drawing curve : '.$lastX.' - '.$lastY.' - '.$control1x.' - '.$control1y.' - '.$control2x.' - '.$control2y.' - '.$newX.' - '.$newY);
$control1x = $lastX + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$control1y = $lastY + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$control2x = $lastX + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]);
$control2y = $lastY + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]);
$newX = $lastX + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+4]);
$newY = $lastY + $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+5]);
$this->_drawCurve($lastX, $lastY, $control1x, $control1y, $control2x, $control2y, $newX, $newY, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
/*EXPERIMENT $this->_drawCurve($lastX, $lastY, $control1x, $control1y, $control2x, $control2y, $newX, $newY, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);*/
//if($fill != ''){
$polyPoints = array_merge($polyPoints,$this->_Bezier_drawfilled(array($lastX, $lastY),array($control1x, $control1y),array($control2x, $control2y),array($newX, $newY),$colorFill));
// $this->_drawCurve($lastX, $lastY, $control1x, $control1y, $control2x, $control2y, $newX, $newY, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$lastX = $newX;
$lastX = $newX;
$lastY = $newY;
$lastY = $newY;
@ -524,7 +878,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
// Dernière ligne droite
// Dernière ligne droite
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'z' || (is_numeric(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'z')){
}elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'z' || (is_numeric(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'z')){
if($lastOpe == 'z' && $this->_debug) $this->_log->error('2 bouclages dans une boucle');
if($lastOpe == 'z' && $this->_debug) $this->_log->error('2 bouclages dans une boucle');
$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastMX , $lastMY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$polyPoints = array_merge($polyPoints,array($lastX, $lastY, $lastMX, $lastMY));
//$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastMX , $lastMY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$lastOpe = 'z';
$lastOpe = 'z';
// Polyline
// Polyline
@ -534,8 +889,11 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$lastOpe = 'l'; // s'il n'a aucune lettre, c'est une polyline, donc des... lignes.
$lastOpe = 'l'; // s'il n'a aucune lettre, c'est une polyline, donc des... lignes.
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('counter :'.$i);
//if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('counter :'.$i);
$this->_drawPolygon($polyPoints, $colorStroke, $colorFill);
imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke);
imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke);
imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorFill);
imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorFill);
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
@ -554,17 +912,18 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$strokeWidth = 1;
$strokeWidth = 1;
$fill = '';
$fill = '';
$stroke = '';
$stroke = '';
foreach($circleNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
/*foreach($circleNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
case 'cx': $x = $value; break;
case 'cx': $x = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'cy': $y = $value; break;
case 'cy': $y = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'r': $r = $value; break;
case 'r': $r = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break;
case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
if($r == 0)
if($r == 0)
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Cercle - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - rayon : '.$r.'-'.$colorStroke[2].' - épaisseur : '.$strokeWidth);
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Cercle - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - rayon : '.$r.'-'.$colorStroke[2].' - épaisseur : '.$strokeWidth);
@ -602,10 +961,10 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$fontFamily = 'SansSerif';
$fontFamily = 'SansSerif';
$fontStyle = 'normal';
$fontStyle = 'normal';
$fontWeight = 'normal';
$fontWeight = 'normal';
foreach($textNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
/*foreach($textNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
case 'x': $x = $value; break;
case 'x': $x = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'y': $y = $value; break;
case 'y': $y = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
//case 'r': $r = $value; break; // todo
//case 'r': $r = $value; break; // todo
case 'fill': $fill = $value; break;
case 'fill': $fill = $value; break;
case 'font-size': $fontSize = $value; break;
case 'font-size': $fontSize = $value; break;
@ -613,7 +972,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
case 'font-style': $fontStyle = $value; break;
case 'font-style': $fontStyle = $value; break;
case 'font-weight': $fontWeight = $value; break;
case 'font-weight': $fontWeight = $value; break;
if($textNode == '')
if($textNode == '')
@ -639,14 +999,14 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$stroke = '';
$stroke = '';
$strokeWidth = 1;
$strokeWidth = 1;
$strokeDasharray = '';
$strokeDasharray = '';
foreach($rectNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
/*foreach($rectNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
case 'x': $x = $value; break;
case 'x': $x = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'y': $y = $value; break;
case 'y': $y = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'r': $r = $value; break;
case 'r': $r = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'width': $width = $value; break;
case 'width': $width = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'height': $height = $value; break;
case 'height': $height = $this->_getSizeType($value); break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
@ -665,7 +1025,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
if($width == 0 || $height == 0)
if($width == 0 || $height == 0)
$colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke);
$colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke);
@ -701,7 +1062,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$fill = '';
$fill = '';
$stroke = '';
$stroke = '';
$strokeWidth = 1;
$strokeWidth = 1;
foreach($polyNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
/*foreach($polyNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
case 'points' : $points = $value; break;
case 'points' : $points = $value; break;
@ -720,7 +1081,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
//if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return;
if($points == '')
if($points == '')
$pointArray = split('[ ,]', $points);
$pointArray = split('[ ,]', $points);
@ -750,11 +1112,13 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return imagestring ( $this->_image , 2, 10, $this->_getImageHeight()-20, $desc , imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 255, 255, 255));
return imagestring ( $this->_image , 2, 10, $this->_getImageHeight()-20, $desc , imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 255, 255, 255));
* ignore group for the moment
* @param node <g>
* acts like ungrouped
* get group attributes to pass it to children
* parse children
private function _parseGroup($groupNode){
private function _parseGroup($groupNode){
$this->_currentOptions = $this->_getParams($groupNode);
foreach($groupNode->children() as $element){
foreach($groupNode->children() as $element){
@ -782,6 +1146,8 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($element->getName() == 'text')
if($element->getName() == 'text')
//if($element->getName() == 'defs')
// $this->_parseDefs($element);
//if($element->getName() == 'title')
//if($element->getName() == 'title')
// $this->_parseTitle($element);
// $this->_parseTitle($element);
if($element->getName() == 'desc' && $this->_showDesc)
if($element->getName() == 'desc' && $this->_showDesc)
@ -802,6 +1168,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
//imageantialias($this->_image, true); // On ne peut pas gérer l'épaisseur des traits si l'antialiasing est activé... lol ?
//imageantialias($this->_image, true); // On ne peut pas gérer l'épaisseur des traits si l'antialiasing est activé... lol ?
foreach($this->_svgXML->children() as $element){
foreach($this->_svgXML->children() as $element){
$this->_currentOptions = array();
if($this->_showDesc && $this->_desc != null) $this->_parseDescription($this->_desc);
if($this->_showDesc && $this->_desc != null) $this->_parseDescription($this->_desc);
//imagefilter ( $this->_image , IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 6);
//imagefilter ( $this->_image , IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 6);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user