mirror of
synced 2020-02-03 22:08:42 +01:00
ajout de commentaires pour y voir plus clair
tentative d'ajout de courbes de Bézier tentative d'amélioration de rotation (il y a tjs un décalage)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,33 +2,35 @@
// ajouter header thanks to http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.image-type-to-mime-type.php
// prendre en compte l'opacité grâce à imagecolorallocatealpha ?
// conversion des couleurs "black" , "blue", etc en #000 etc.
// stroke-width pour tous \o/
// pour les rectangles avec point ou tiret http://fr.php.net/manual/fr/function.imagesetstyle.php
// ajout de title
include 'log.php';
protected $_svg;
protected $_svgXML;
protected $_image;
protected $_format;
protected $_log;
protected $_x;
protected $_y;
protected $_width;
protected $_height;
protected $_showDesc = false;
protected $_desc;
private $transparentColor = array(0,0,255);
public $_debug = true;
/* array of color names => hex color
because some svg creator uses them
private $colors = array(
'black' => '#000000',
'red' => '#FF0000',
'white' => '#FFFFFF',
'turquoise' => '#00FFFF',
'grey' => '#CCCCCC',
'light grey' => '#C0C0C0',
'light blue' => '#0000FF',
'dark grey' => '#808080',
@ -45,27 +47,46 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
'grass green' => '#408080',
public function __construct($svg, $format = 'png'){
* constructor
* parse the svg with simplexml
public function __construct($svg){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log = new Log('log.dat');
$this->_svg = $svg;
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Ouverture du fichier contentant : '.$svg);
$this->_svgXML = simplexml_load_string($this->_svg);
$this->_format = $format;
$this->_svgXML = simplexml_load_string($svg);
* Construct with a file
* @param : string path to the file
* @return : instance of this class
public static function load($file){
$svg = file_get_contents($file);
return new SVGTOIMAGE($svg);
* Construct with a string
* @param : string <svg>...</svg>
* @return : instance of this class
public static function parse($xml){
return new SVGTOIMAGE($xml);
* Destroy the GD Image when finished
public function __destruct(){
* setter - option : show the description from the svg into the image if present
* @param boolean
public function setShowDesc($showDesc = true){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de showDesc en '.$showDesc);
@ -75,6 +96,10 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* setter - option : origin of the final image from the svg (default : 0)
* @param int
public function setX($x){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de x en '.$x);
@ -84,6 +109,10 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* setter - option : origin of the final image from the svg (default : 0)
* @param int
public function setY($y){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de y en '.$y);
@ -93,6 +122,10 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* setter - option : width of the final image (default : svg width)
* @param int
public function setWidth($width){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de width en '.$width);
@ -102,6 +135,10 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* setter - option : height of the final image (default : svg height)
* @param int
public function setHeight($height){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de height en '.$height);
@ -120,15 +157,24 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return $imageSize;
* @return int final image width
private function _getImageWidth(){
return isset($this->_width) ? $this->_width : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->width;
* @return int final image height
private function _getImageHeight(){
return isset($this->_height) ? $this->_height : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->height;
* @param string Color code (ie: #CCC , #FE4323, etc...)
* @return array with R | G | B
private function _parseColor($colorCode){
if(strlen($colorCode) == 7){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode);
@ -150,8 +196,13 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return array(0,0,0);
* Allocate color to the final image thanks to _parseColor (check if the color isn't spelled directly 'black')
* @param string color code
* @return imageallocate on the image
private function _allocateColor($color){
if($color != '' && array_key_exists($color, $this->colors)){
if($color != '' && array_key_exists(strtolower($color), $this->colors)){
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($this->colors[$color]);
$arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($color);
@ -159,12 +210,18 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
return imagecolorallocate( $this->_image, $arrayColor[0], $arrayColor[1], $arrayColor[2] );
* add the given image from svg to the final image
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return imagecopy
private function _parseImage($imageNode){
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
$href = '';
$transform = '';
$r = 0;
foreach($imageNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
@ -174,10 +231,23 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
case 'height': $height = $value; break;
case 'href':
case 'xlink:href':$href = $value; break;
case 'r' : $r = $value; break;
//case 'r' : $r = $value; break; // no !
case 'transform': $transform = $value;
case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break;
if($transform != ''){
$transforms = split('[()]', $transform);
$nb = count($transforms);
for($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++){
// rotation
if($transforms[$i] == 'rotate'){
$rotinfo = $transforms[$i+1];
$rotinfo = explode(' ', $rotinfo);
$r = $rotinfo[0];
if($width == 0 || $height == 0 || $href == '')
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Image - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - largeur : '.$width.' - longueur : '.$height.' - url : '.$href.' - angle : '.$r);
@ -208,15 +278,27 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
imagecolortransparent($newImage, $blue);
imagecopy($this->_image,$newImage,$x,$y,0,0,imagesx($newImage) , imagesy($newImage));
imagecopy($this->_image,$newImage,$x,$y,0,0, $width , $height);
//imagecopy($this->_image,$newImage,$x,$y,0,0,imagesx($newImage) , imagesy($newImage));
* Check if the given SVG xml is W3C valid
* @param string <svg>...</svg>
* @return boolean
private function _pathIsW3C($path){
if(strripos($path, ','))
return true;
return false;
* small function to find int into a string - works like java parseint
* @param string containing numbers
* @return int
private function _parseInt($string){
if(preg_match('/(\d+)/', $string, $array)) {
return $array[1];
@ -225,6 +307,12 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* add a line to the final image
* @param $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 int position of segment
* @param imagecolorallocate color (via _allocatecolor !)
* @return imageline
private function _drawLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color){
if(!imageline( $this->_image , $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color )){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Chemin erroné : '.$x1.' - '.$y1.' - '.$x2.' - '.$y2);
@ -233,9 +321,12 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
* add path/lineS/polyline whatever you name it.
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return lines on the final image via _drawLine
private function _parsePath($pathNode){
// <path d="M50,50 A30,30 0 0,1 35,20 L100,100 M110,110 L100,0" style="stroke:#660000; fill:none;"/>
//<path d="M20 150 L150 350 Z" />
// imagesetbrush
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
$path = '';
@ -244,14 +335,14 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$stroke = '';
foreach($pathNode->attributes() as $name=>$value){
case 'd': $path = $value; break;
case 'd': case 'points': $path = $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break;
if(substr($path, 0,1) != 'M'){
if(substr($path, 0,1) != 'M' && !is_numeric(substr($path, 0,1))){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Mauvais path rencontré : '.$path);
@ -302,6 +393,40 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$lastOpe = 'V';
}elseif(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1) == 'C'){
$control1x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$control1y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$control2x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]);
$control2y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]);
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+4]);
$newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+5]);
// Algorithme de http://www.dreamstube.com/post/Bezier-Curves-In-PHP!.aspx ne fonctionne pas !
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('ax : '.$ax.', ay : '.$ay);
for($t=0; $t<1; $t+=.01)
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('cx : '.$x_points[$j].', cy : '.$y_points[$j]*(-1).' d: '.$z_points[$j]);
imagearc($this->_image, $x_points[$j]+$this->_getImageWidth()/2, ($y_points[$j]*(-1))+$this->_getImageHeight()/2, $z_points[$j], $z_points[$j], 0, 360, $colorStroke);
$lastX = $newX;
$lastY = $newY;
}elseif(is_numeric(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1))){
case 'L':
@ -310,6 +435,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $newY , $colorStroke);
$lastX = $newX;
$lastY = $newY;
case 'H':
$newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
@ -327,9 +453,12 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('2 bouclages dans une boucle');
default :
default : //polyline
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('last opé inconnue '.$lastOpe);
$lastX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]);
$lastY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]);
$lastOpe = 'L';
@ -338,7 +467,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$lastOpe = 'Z'; //utile?
$i++; // au cas où.
$i++; // au cas où pour éviter une boucle infinie.
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('counter :'.$i);
imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke);
@ -346,6 +475,11 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
* add a circle in the final image
* @param SimpleXMLElement
* @return
private function _parseCircle($circleNode){
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
@ -386,8 +520,12 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
* add a rectangle to the final image
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return a nice rectangle !
private function _parseRectangle($rectNode){
//<rect x="168" y="275" width="52" height="70" r="0" rx="0" ry="0" fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-dasharray="8,3" transform="rotate(21.91207728 194 310)" style="opacity: 1; display: none; " opacity="1"></rect>
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$width = 0;
@ -398,7 +536,6 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
$strokeWidth = 1;
foreach($rectNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
// imagesetthickness ( resource $image , int $thickness )
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
case 'x': $x = $value; break;
case 'y': $y = $value; break;
@ -419,7 +556,7 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait');
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Rectangle - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - width : '.$width.' - height : '.$height.' - fill : '.$colorFill[0].'-'.$colorFill[1].'-'.$colorFill[2].' - stroke : '.$colorStroke[0].'-'.$colorStroke[1].'-'.$colorStroke[2]);
if($fill == ''){
imagerectangle($this->_image , $x , $y , $x+$width , $y+$height, $colorStroke); //resource $image , int $x1 , int $y1 , int $x2 , int $y2 , int $color
imagerectangle($this->_image , $x , $y , $x+$width , $y+$height, $colorStroke);
imagefilledrectangle ($this->_image , $x , $y , $x+$width , $y+$height, $colorFill );
@ -428,32 +565,110 @@ class SVGTOIMAGE{
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
* add a polygon in the final image
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return po-po-po-polygon !
private function _parsePolygon($polyNode){
$points = '';
$fill = '';
$stroke = '';
$strokeWidth = 1;
foreach($polyNode->attributes() as $name => $value){
// imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc)
case 'points' : $points = $value; break;
case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break;
case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break;
case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break;
case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break;
if($points == '')
$pointArray = split('[ ,]', $points);
$colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke);
$colorFill = $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill);
$thickness = imagesetthickness( $this->_image , (int)$strokeWidth );
if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait');
if($fill == ''){
imagepolygon ( $this->_image , $pointArray , count($pointArray)/2 , $colorStroke );
imagefilledpolygon ($this->_image , $pointArray , count($pointArray)/2 , $colorFill );
imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 );
* add the description text in the final image
* @param string the description
* @return boolean
private function _parseDescription($desc){
if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Ajout de la description : '.$desc);
return imagestring ( $this->_image , 2, 10, $this->_getImageHeight()-20, $desc , imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 255, 255, 255));
* ignore group for the moment
* acts like ungrouped
private function _parseGroup($groupNode){
foreach($groupNode->children() as $element){
* select what to parse
* @param simpleXMLElement
* @return the selected function
private function _chooseParse($element){
if($element->getName() == 'image')
if($element->getName() == 'circle')
if($element->getName() == 'rect')
if($element->getName() == 'path')
if($element->getName() == 'polygon')
if($element->getName() == 'polyline')
if($element->getName() == 'title')
if($element->getName() == 'desc' && $this->_showDesc)
$this->_desc = $element;
public function toImage(){
//$test = Imagick::__construct('http://labs.shikiryu.com/experimental-cut/images/pieces/2.png');
* parse everything, main function
* @param string format of the ouput 'png' 'gif' jpg'
* @param string path where you want to save the file (with the final name), null will just show the image but not saved on server
* @return the image
public function toImage($format = 'png', $path = null){
$writeDesc = null;
$this->_image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->_getImageWidth(), $this->_getImageHeight());
imagealphablending($this->_image, true);
//imageantialias($this->_image, true); // On ne peut pas gérer l'épaisseur des traits si l'antialiasing est activé... lol ?
foreach($this->_svgXML->children() as $element){
if($element->getName() == 'image')
if($element->getName() == 'circle')
if($element->getName() == 'rect')
if($element->getName() == 'path')
if($element->getName() == 'desc' && $this->_showDesc)
$writeDesc = $element;
if($writeDesc) $this->_parseDescription($writeDesc);
if($this->_showDesc && $this->_desc != null) $this->_parseDescription($this->_desc);
//imagefilter ( $this->_image , IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 6);
return imagepng($this->_image);
case 'png' :
default :
//header('Content-type: image/png');
return imagepng($this->_image, $path);
@ -3,6 +3,20 @@ include 'svgtoimage.php';
<image x="184" y="286" width="10" height="10" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="imageurl4.png" style="cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; display: none; " opacity="1"></image>
<image x="204" y="286" width="10" height="10" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="imageurl5.png" style="cursor: pointer; opacity: 1; display: none; " opacity="1"></image>
<path d="M153 334
C153 334 151 334 151 334
C151 339 153 344 156 344
C164 344 171 339 171 334
C171 322 164 314 156 314
C142 314 131 322 131 334
C131 350 142 364 156 364
C175 364 191 350 191 334
C191 311 175 294 156 294
C131 294 111 311 111 334
C111 361 131 384 156 384
C186 384 211 361 211 334
C211 300 186 274 156 274"
$svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="600" height="512">
<desc>Created with Raphael</desc>
@ -13,6 +27,10 @@ $svg = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="600" height
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/>
<image x="170" y="277" width="48" height="66" preserveAspectRatio="none" href="http://labs.shikiryu.com/experimental-cut/images/pieces/1.png" style="cursor: move; opacity: 1; " r="90" opacity="1" transform="rotate(21.91207728 194 310)"></image>
<path d="M50 50 V150 H150 L200 50 Z" stroke="red" stroke-width="3" />
<polygon points="60,150 160,60 260,150 210,250 110,250" stroke="red" stroke-width="3"/>
<polyline stroke="gray" stroke-width="5"
points="80,250 80,280 60,280 60,310 80,310 80,340 40,340 40,370 80,370 80,400 20,400 20,430 80,430" />
$svgtoimage = SVGTOIMAGE::parse($svg);
Reference in New Issue
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