0 include 'log.php'; class SVGTOIMAGE{ protected $_svgXML; protected $_image; protected $_log; protected $_x; protected $_y; protected $_width; protected $_height; protected $_showDesc = false; protected $_desc; private $transparentColor = array(0,0,255); public $_debug = true; // change to false to stop debug mode /* * array of path type */ private $pathType = array( 'm' => 'MoveTo', 'l' => 'LineTo', 'h' => 'HorizontalLineTo', 'v' => 'VerticalLineTo', 'c' => 'CurveTo', 'z' => 'EndingLine', ); /* array of color names => hex color because some svg creator uses them */ private $colors = array( 'black' => '#000000', 'red' => '#FF0000', 'white' => '#FFFFFF', 'turquoise' => '#00FFFF', 'grey' => '#CCCCCC', 'light grey' => '#C0C0C0', 'light blue' => '#0000FF', 'dark grey' => '#808080', 'dark blue' => '#0000A0', 'light purple' => '#FF0080', 'orange' => '#FF8040', 'dark purple' => '#800080', 'brown' => '#804000', 'yellow' => '#FFFF00', 'burgundy' => '#800000', 'pastel green' => '#00FF00', 'forest green' => '#808000', 'pink' => '#FF00FF', 'grass green' => '#408080', ); /* * constructor * parse the svg with simplexml */ public function __construct($svg){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log = new Log('log.dat'); //if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Ouverture du fichier contentant : '.$svg); $this->_svgXML = simplexml_load_string($svg); } /* * Construct with a file * @param : string path to the file * @return : instance of this class */ public static function load($file){ $svg = file_get_contents($file); return new SVGTOIMAGE($svg); } /* * Construct with a string * @param : string ... * @return : instance of this class */ public static function parse($xml){ return new SVGTOIMAGE($xml); } /* * Destroy the GD Image when finished */ public function __destruct(){ imagedestroy($this->_image); } /* * setter - option : show the description from the svg into the image if present * @param boolean */ public function setShowDesc($showDesc = true){ if(is_bool($showDesc)){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de showDesc en '.$showDesc); $this->_showDesc = $showDesc; }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la fonction showDesc, doit recevoir booléen, a reçu : '.$showDesc); } } /* * setter - option : origin of the final image from the svg (default : 0) * @param int */ public function setX($x){ if(is_int($x)){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de x en '.$x); $this->_x = $x; }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la fonction setX, doit recevoir int, a reçu : '.$x); } } /* * setter - option : origin of the final image from the svg (default : 0) * @param int */ public function setY($y){ if(is_int($y)){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de y en '.$y); $this->_y = $y; }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la fonction setY, doit recevoir int, a reçu : '.$y); } } /* * setter - option : width of the final image (default : svg width) * @param int */ public function setWidth($width){ if(is_int($width)){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de width en '.$width); $this->_width = $width; }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la fonction setWidth, doit recevoir int, a reçu : '.$width); } } /* * setter - option : height of the final image (default : svg height) * @param int */ public function setHeight($height){ if(is_int($height)){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Passage de height en '.$height); $this->_height = $height; }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la fonction setHeight, doit recevoir int, a reçu : '.$height); } } /* * DEPRECATED * return width and height from the SVG */ private function _getImageSize(){ $imageSize = array(); $imageSize['width'] = $this->_svgXML->attributes()->width; $imageSize['height'] = $this->_svgXML->attributes()->height; if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('taille de l\'image : largeur : '.$imageSize['width'].' - longueur : '.$imageSize['height']); return $imageSize; } /* * @return int final image width */ private function _getImageWidth(){ return isset($this->_width) ? $this->_width : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->width; } /* * @return int final image height */ private function _getImageHeight(){ return isset($this->_height) ? $this->_height : $this->_svgXML->attributes()->height; } /* * @param string Color code (ie: #CCC , #FE4323, etc...) * @return array with R | G | B */ private function _parseColor($colorCode){ if(strlen($colorCode) == 7){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode); return array( base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($colorCode, 3, 2), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($colorCode, 5, 2), 16, 10), ); } if(strlen($colorCode) == 4){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Parse Color '.$colorCode); return array( base_convert(substr($colorCode, 1, 1).substr($colorCode, 1, 1), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($colorCode, 2, 1).substr($colorCode, 2, 1), 16, 10), base_convert(substr($colorCode, 3, 1).substr($colorCode, 3, 1), 16, 10), ); } if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Couleur mal indiquée '.$colorCode); return array(0,0,0); } /* * Allocate color to the final image thanks to _parseColor (check if the color isn't spelled directly 'black') * @param string color code * @return imageallocate on the image */ private function _allocateColor($color){ if($color != '' && array_key_exists(strtolower($color), $this->colors)){ $arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($this->colors[$color]); }else{ $arrayColor = $this->_parseColor($color); } return imagecolorallocate( $this->_image, $arrayColor[0], $arrayColor[1], $arrayColor[2] ); } /* * return an array to use with imagesetstyle * @param allocatecolorimage * @return array */ private function _getDashedStroke($full, $empty, $color){ $tiret = array(); for($i=0;$i<$full;$i++){ $tiret[] = $color; } for($i=0;$i<$empty;$i++){ $tiret[] = IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT; } if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('nouveaux tirets : '.implode('-', $tiret)); return $tiret; } /* * add the given image from svg to the final image * @param simpleXMLElement * @return imagecopy */ private function _parseImage($imageNode){ $x = 0; $y = 0; $width = 0; $height = 0; $href = ''; $transform = ''; $r = 0; foreach($imageNode->attributes() as $name => $value){ switch($name){ case 'x': $x = $value; break; case 'y': $y = $value; break; case 'width': $width = $value; break; case 'height': $height = $value; break; case 'href': case 'xlink:href':$href = $value; break; //case 'r' : $r = $value; break; // no, use transform instead ! case 'transform': $transform = $value; case 'style' : $allStyle = split('[;:]', $value); $i = 0; while ($i < count($allStyle)) { if($allStyle[$i] == 'display' && $allStyle[$i+1] == 'none') return; if($allStyle[$i] == 'fill') $fill = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke') $stroke = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke-width') $strokeWidth = $allStyle[$i+1]; $i=$i+2; } //if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; } } if($transform != ''){ $transforms = split('[()]', $transform); $nb = count($transforms); for($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++){ // rotation if($transforms[$i] == 'rotate'){ $rotinfo = $transforms[$i+1]; $rotinfo = explode(' ', $rotinfo); $r = $rotinfo[0]; } } } if($width == 0 || $height == 0 || $href == '') return; if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Image - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - largeur : '.$width.' - longueur : '.$height.' - url : '.$href.' - angle : '.$r); $imageTypeArray = explode('.', $href); $lastElementFromImageType = count($imageTypeArray); $imageType = $imageTypeArray[$lastElementFromImageType-1]; if($imageType == 'jpg' || $imageType == 'jpeg') $newImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($href); else if($imageType == 'png') $newImage = imagecreatefrompng($href); else if($imageType == 'gif') $newImage = imagecreatefromgif($href); else return; imagealphablending($newImage, true); //rotating the image if needed if($r != 0){ if($this->_debug){ if($newImage = imagerotate($newImage, - floatval($r), -1)){ $this->_log->message('Rotating image'); }else $this->_log->error('Rotating image'); }else{ $newImage = imagerotate($newImage, - floatval($r), -1); } $blue = imagecolorallocate($newImage, $this->transparentColor[0], $this->transparentColor[1],$this->transparentColor[2]); imagecolortransparent($newImage, $blue); } $newWidth = imagesx($newImage); $newHeight = imagesy($newImage); imagecopy($this->_image,$newImage,($newWidth == $width) ? $x : $x-($newWidth-$width)/2,($newHeight == $height) ? $y : $y-($newHeight-$height)/2,0,0,imagesx($newImage) , imagesy($newImage)); // Thanks Raphael & GD for saying things wrong. } /* * Check if the given SVG xml is W3C valid * DEPRECATED and unused anymore * @param string ... * @return boolean */ private function _pathIsW3C($path){ if(strripos($path, ',')) return true; return false; } /* * small function to find int into a string - works like java parseint * @param string containing numbers * @return int */ private function _parseInt($string){ if(preg_match('/[-]?(\d+)/', $string, $array)) { //if(preg_match('/[-]?(\d+)/', $string, $array)) { return $array[0]; //return $array[1]; } else { return 0; } } /* * add a line to the final image * @param $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 int position of segment * @param imagecolorallocate color (via _allocatecolor !) * @return imageline */ private function _drawLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color){ if(!imageline( $this->_image , $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color )){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Chemin erroné : '.$x1.' - '.$y1.' - '.$x2.' - '.$y2); }else{ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Chemin : '.$x1.' - '.$y1.' - '.$x2.' - '.$y2); } } /* * add a curve to the final image * @param $startX, $startY, $control1X, $control1Y, $control2X, $control2Y, $endX, $endY int position of start, controls and end points * @param imagecolorallocate color (via _allocatecolor !) * @return lots of imagesetpixel * Algorithme de http://www.dreamstube.com/post/Bezier-Curves-In-PHP!.aspx */ private function _drawCurve($startX, $startY, $control1X, $control1Y, $control2X, $control2Y, $endX, $endY, $color){ $cx=3*($control1X-$startX); $bx=3*($control2X-$control1X)-$cx; $ax=$endX-$startX-$cx-$bx; $cy=3*($control1Y-$startY); $by=3*($control2Y-$control1Y)-$cy; $ay=$endY-$startY-$cy-$by; if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('ax : '.$ax.', ay : '.$ay); for($t=0; $t<1; $t+=.01) { $xt = $ax * $t * $t * $t + $bx * $t * $t + $cx * $t + $startX; $yt = $ay * $t * $t * $t + $by * $t * $t + $cy * $t + $startY; imagesetpixel ( $this->_image , $xt , $yt , $color ); } } /* * add path/lineS/polyline whatever you name it. * @param simpleXMLElement * @return lines on the final image via _drawLine */ private function _parsePath($pathNode){ // imagesetbrush // imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc) $path = ''; $strokeWidth = 1; $fill = ''; $stroke = ''; $strokeDasharray = ''; foreach($pathNode->attributes() as $name=>$value){ switch($name){ case 'd': case 'points': $path = $value; break; case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break; case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break; case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break; case 'stroke-dasharray' : $strokeDasharray = $value; break; $allStyle = split('[;:]', $value); $i = 0; while ($i < count($allStyle)) { if($allStyle[$i] == 'display' && $allStyle[$i+1] == 'none') return; if($allStyle[$i] == 'fill') $fill = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke') $stroke = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke-width') $strokeWidth = $allStyle[$i+1]; $i=$i+2; } //if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; } } if(strtolower(substr($path, 0,1)) != 'm' && !is_numeric(substr($path, 0,1))){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->error('Mauvais path rencontré : '.$path); return; } $thickness = imagesetthickness( $this->_image , $this->_parseInt($strokeWidth) ); if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait'); else $this->_log->message('épaisseur du trait à : '.$this->_parseInt($strokeWidth)); $colorStroke = $stroke != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke) : $this->_allocateColor('black'); $colorFill = $fill != '' ? $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill) : $this->_allocateColor('black'); if($strokeDasharray != ''){ $strokeDasharray = explode(',', $strokeDasharray); imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke($strokeDasharray[0], $strokeDasharray[1], $colorStroke )); }else imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke(10, 0, $colorStroke )); $lastOpe = ''; $pathArray = split('[ ,]', $path); // Si le path est de format 'm 100 100 l 100 100 z' il faut recoller les morceaux if(array_key_exists(strtolower($pathArray[0]), $this->pathType)){ $j = 0; do{ if(array_key_exists(strtolower($pathArray[$j]), $this->pathType)){ $pathArray[$j] = $pathArray[$j].$pathArray[$j+1]; $pathArray[$j+1] = '~'; $j++; $newNb = count($pathArray); for($k = $j; $k<=$newNb; $k++){ $pathArray[$k] = $pathArray[$k+1]; } }else{ if($pathArray[$j] == '' || $pathArray[$j] == null) unset($pathArray[$j]); $j++; } }while(isset($pathArray[$j])); if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Path reconstruit ! '.implode(', ',$pathArray)); } $nbArray = count($pathArray); $nbLine = (($nbArray-1)/2)-1; $i = 0; $lastX = 0; $lastY = 0; $lastMX = 0; $lastMY = 0; while ($i < $nbArray) { // Changement de départ if(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'm'){ $lastX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $lastMX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $lastY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]); $lastMY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]); $lastOpe = 'm'; $i=$i+2; // Ligne }elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'l' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'l')){ $newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]); $this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $lastOpe = 'l'; $lastX = $newX; $lastY = $newY; $i=$i+2; // Ligne horizontale }elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'h' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'h')){ $newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $newX , $lastY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $lastOpe = 'h'; $lastX = $newX; $i++; // Ligne verticale }elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'v' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'v')){ $newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastX , $newY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $lastY = $newY; $lastOpe = 'v'; $i++; // Courbe }elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'c' || (is_numeric($pathArray[$i]) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'c')){ $control1x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i]); $control1y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+1]); $control2x = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]); $control2y = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]); $newX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+4]); $newY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+5]); if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Drawing curve : '.$lastX.' - '.$lastY.' - '.$control1x.' - '.$control1y.' - '.$control2x.' - '.$control2y.' - '.$newX.' - '.$newY); $this->_drawCurve($lastX, $lastY, $control1x, $control1y, $control2x, $control2y, $newX, $newY, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $lastX = $newX; $lastY = $newY; $lastOpe = 'c'; $i=$i+6; // Dernière ligne droite }elseif(strtolower(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) == 'z' || (is_numeric(substr($pathArray[$i], 0, 1)) && strtolower($lastOpe) == 'z')){ if($lastOpe == 'z' && $this->_debug) $this->_log->error('2 bouclages dans une boucle'); $this->_drawLine($lastX , $lastY , $lastMX , $lastMY , IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $lastOpe = 'z'; $i++; // Polyline }else{ $lastX = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+2]); $lastY = $this->_parseInt($pathArray[$i+3]); $lastOpe = 'l'; // s'il n'a aucune lettre, c'est une polyline, donc des... lignes. $i=$i+2; } if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('counter :'.$i); } imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke); imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorFill); imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 ); imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke(10, 0, $colorStroke )); } /* * add a circle in the final image * @param SimpleXMLElement * @return */ private function _parseCircle($circleNode){ $x = 0; $y = 0; $r = 0; $strokeWidth = 1; $fill = ''; $stroke = ''; foreach($circleNode->attributes() as $name => $value){ switch($name){ case 'cx': $x = $value; break; case 'cy': $y = $value; break; case 'r': $r = $value; break; case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break; case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break; case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break; } } if($r == 0) return; if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Cercle - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - rayon : '.$r.'-'.$colorStroke[2].' - épaisseur : '.$strokeWidth); $thickness = imagesetthickness( $this->_image , (int)$strokeWidth ); if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait'); $colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke); $colorFill = $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill); if($fill != ''){ imagefilledarc($this->_image , $x , $y , $r*2 , $r*2 ,0,359.9, $colorFill, IMG_ARC_PIE ); //imageellipse ($this->_image , $x , $y , $r*2 , $r*2, $colorStroke ); } if($stroke !=''){ imagearc($this->_image , $x , $y , $r*2 , $r*2,0,359.9, $colorStroke ); } imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke); imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorFill); imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 ); } /* * add text in the final image 0 * @param SimpleXMLElement * @return */ private function _parseText($textNode){ $x = 0; $y = 0; $r = 0; $strokeWidth = 1; $fill = ''; $fontSize = 10; $fontFamily = 'SansSerif'; $fontStyle = 'normal'; $fontWeight = 'normal'; foreach($textNode->attributes() as $name => $value){ switch($name){ case 'x': $x = $value; break; case 'y': $y = $value; break; //case 'r': $r = $value; break; // todo case 'fill': $fill = $value; break; case 'font-size': $fontSize = $value; break; case 'font-family': $fontFamily = $value; break; case 'font-style': $fontStyle = $value; break; case 'font-weight': $fontWeight = $value; break; } } if($textNode == '') return; $colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill); imagestring ( $this->_image , 2 , $x , $y , $textNode , $fill ); imagecolordeallocate( $this->_image, $colorStroke); } /* * add a rectangle to the final image * @param simpleXMLElement * @return a nice rectangle ! */ private function _parseRectangle($rectNode){ $x = 0; $y = 0; $width = 0; $height = 0; $r = 0; $fill = ''; $stroke = ''; $strokeWidth = 1; $strokeDasharray = ''; foreach($rectNode->attributes() as $name => $value){ switch($name){ // imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc) case 'x': $x = $value; break; case 'y': $y = $value; break; case 'r': $r = $value; break; case 'width': $width = $value; break; case 'height': $height = $value; break; case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break; case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break; case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break; case 'stroke-dasharray' : $strokeDasharray = $value; break; //case 'style' : if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; case 'style' : $allStyle = split('[;:]', $value); $i = 0; while ($i < count($allStyle)) { if($allStyle[$i] == 'display' && $allStyle[$i+1] == 'none') return; if($allStyle[$i] == 'fill') $fill = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke') $stroke = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke-width') $strokeWidth = $allStyle[$i+1]; $i=$i+2; } //if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; } } if($width == 0 || $height == 0) return; $colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke); $colorFill = $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill); $thickness = imagesetthickness( $this->_image , (int)$strokeWidth ); if($strokeDasharray != ''){ $strokeDasharray = explode(',', $strokeDasharray); imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke($strokeDasharray[0], $strokeDasharray[1], $colorStroke )); }else imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke(10, 0, $colorStroke )); if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait'); if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Rectangle - x : '.$x.' - y : '.$y.' - width : '.$width.' - height : '.$height.' - fill : '.$colorFill[0].'-'.$colorFill[1].'-'.$colorFill[2].' - stroke : '.$colorStroke[0].'-'.$colorStroke[1].'-'.$colorStroke[2]); if($fill != ''){ imagefilledrectangle ($this->_image , $x , $y , $x+$width , $y+$height, $colorFill ); } if($stroke != ''){ imagerectangle($this->_image , $x , $y , $x+$width , $y+$height, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } imagecolordeallocate($this->_image,$colorStroke); imagecolordeallocate($this->_image,$colorFill); imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 ); imagesetstyle ( $this->_image , $this->_getDashedStroke(10, 0, $colorStroke )); } /* * add a polygon in the final image * @param simpleXMLElement * @return po-po-po-polygon ! */ private function _parsePolygon($polyNode){ $points = ''; $fill = ''; $stroke = ''; $strokeWidth = 1; foreach($polyNode->attributes() as $name => $value){ switch($name){ // imagesetstyle (pour dotted, dashed etc) case 'points' : $points = $value; break; case 'fill': $fill = ($value == 'none') ? '' : $value; break; case 'stroke': $stroke = $value; break; case 'stroke-width' : $strokeWidth = $value; break; $allStyle = split('[;:]', $value); $i = 0; while ($i < count($allStyle)) { if($allStyle[$i] == 'display' && $allStyle[$i+1] == 'none') return; if($allStyle[$i] == 'fill') $fill = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke') $stroke = $allStyle[$i+1]; if($allStyle[$i] == 'stroke-width') $strokeWidth = $allStyle[$i+1]; $i=$i+2; } //if(strripos($value, 'display: none') || strripos($value, 'display:none')) return; break; } } if($points == '') return; $pointArray = split('[ ,]', $points); $colorStroke = $this->_allocateColor((string)$stroke); $colorFill = $this->_allocateColor((string)$fill); $thickness = imagesetthickness( $this->_image , (int)$strokeWidth ); if($this->_debug && !$thickness) $this->_log->error('Erreur dans la mise en place de l\'épaisseur du trait'); if($fill != ''){ imagefilledpolygon ($this->_image , $pointArray , count($pointArray)/2 , $colorFill ); } if($stroke != ''){ imagepolygon ( $this->_image , $pointArray , count($pointArray)/2 , $colorStroke ); } imagecolordeallocate($this->_image,$colorStroke); imagecolordeallocate($this->_image,$colorFill); imagesetthickness ( $this->_image , 1 ); } /* * add the description text in the final image * @param string the description * @return boolean */ private function _parseDescription($desc){ if($this->_debug) $this->_log->message('Ajout de la description : '.$desc); return imagestring ( $this->_image , 2, 10, $this->_getImageHeight()-20, $desc , imagecolorallocate($this->_image, 255, 255, 255)); } /* * ignore group for the moment * acts like ungrouped */ private function _parseGroup($groupNode){ foreach($groupNode->children() as $element){ $this->_chooseParse($element); } } /* * select what to parse * @param simpleXMLElement * @return the selected function */ private function _chooseParse($element){ if($element->getName() == 'image') $this->_parseImage($element); if($element->getName() == 'circle') $this->_parseCircle($element); if($element->getName() == 'rect') $this->_parseRectangle($element); if($element->getName() == 'path') $this->_parsePath($element); if($element->getName() == 'polygon') $this->_parsePolygon($element); if($element->getName() == 'polyline') $this->_parsePath($element); if($element->getName() == 'g') $this->_parseGroup($element); if($element->getName() == 'text') $this->_parseText($element); //if($element->getName() == 'title') // $this->_parseTitle($element); if($element->getName() == 'desc' && $this->_showDesc) $this->_desc = $element; } /* * parse everything, main function * @param string format of the ouput 'png' 'gif' jpg' * @param string path where you want to save the file (with the final name), null will just show the image but not saved on server * @return the image */ public function toImage($format = 'png', $path = null){ $writeDesc = null; $this->_image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->_getImageWidth(), $this->_getImageHeight()); imagefilledrectangle($this->_image, 0, 0 , $this->_getImageWidth(), $this->_getImageHeight(), $this->_allocateColor('white')); imagealphablending($this->_image, true); //imageantialias($this->_image, true); // On ne peut pas gérer l'épaisseur des traits si l'antialiasing est activé... lol ? foreach($this->_svgXML->children() as $element){ $this->_chooseParse($element); } if($this->_showDesc && $this->_desc != null) $this->_parseDescription($this->_desc); //imagefilter ( $this->_image , IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 6); switch($format){ case 'gif' : header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF)); return imagegif($this->_image, $path); case 'jpg': header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG)); return imagejpeg($this->_image, $path); case 'png' : default : header("Content-type: " . image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG)); return imagepng($this->_image, $path); } } }