'."\n"; file_put_contents(sprintf('%s/import.log', dirname(__FILE__)), $message."\n", FILE_APPEND); } mylog('start'); // Pulling config from ini file $ini_file = sprintf('%s/tumblr.ini', dirname(__FILE__)); if (!is_readable($ini_file)) { die('You must have a tumblr.ini file'); } $config = parse_ini_file($ini_file); $tumblr_blog = $config['tumblr']; $api_key = $config['api_key']; $private = $config['private']; $shaarli_dir = sprintf('%s/%s', dirname(__FILE__), $config['shaarli_dir']); // Loading every needed class require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Shaarli library require_once sprintf('%sapplication/ApplicationUtils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Cache.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/CachedPage.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/config/ConfigManager.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/config/ConfigPlugin.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/FeedBuilder.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/FileUtils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/HttpUtils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Languages.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/LinkDB.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/LinkFilter.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/LinkUtils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/NetscapeBookmarkUtils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/PageBuilder.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/TimeZone.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Url.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Utils.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/PluginManager.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Router.php', $shaarli_dir); require_once sprintf('%sapplication/Updater.php', $shaarli_dir); // Initialize variables // DO NOT TOUCH $offset = 0; $per_page = 20; $API_post_url = sprintf('https://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/%s/posts?api_key=%s&limit=1&offset=%u', $tumblr_blog, $api_key, 0); $converter = new \League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter(); $importCount = 0; $alreadyCount = 0; $conf = new ConfigManager(); $pagecache = sprintf('%s/pagecache', $shaarli_dir); $linkDb = new LinkDB( sprintf('%s/data/datastore.php', $shaarli_dir), true, false, '', true ); mylog('Backup '.$tumblr_blog); // First request to determine the number of tumblr post to save in Shaarli $json_response = file_get_contents($API_post_url); $json_response = json_decode($json_response, true); mylog('First request result : '.var_export($json_response, true)); $total_count = $json_response['response']['total_posts']; mylog('Found '.$total_count.' entries on Tumblr'); $loop = ceil($total_count / $per_page); mylog('We are going to do '.$loop.' loops'); // Tumblr API can fetch 20 posts each time, so we need to paginate. for( $i = 0; $i < $loop; $i++) { mylog('--- LOOP '.($i+1).' ---'); $API_post_url = sprintf('https://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/%s/posts?api_key=%s&offset=%u', $tumblr_blog, $api_key, ($per_page*$i)); $json_response = file_get_contents($API_post_url); $json_response = json_decode($json_response, true); if (!isset($json_response['response'])) { die(sprintf('wrong reponse %s', var_export($json_response,true))); } foreach ($json_response['response']['posts'] as $post) { $newLink = []; switch($post['type']) { case 'text': $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['title'], 'url' => $post['post_url'], 'description' => $post['body'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_text']) ]; break; case 'photo': $big_pic = $post['photos'][0]['alt_sizes'][0]; $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['summary'], 'url' => $post['post_url'], 'description' => sprintf('tumblr


',$big_pic['url'], $post['caption']), 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_photo']) ]; break; case 'quote': $url = empty($post['source_url']) ? $post['post_url'] : $post['source_url']; $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['text'], 'url' => $url, 'description' => $post['source'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_quote']) ]; break; case 'link': $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['title'], 'url' => $post['url'], 'description' => $post['description'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_link']) ]; break; case 'chat': $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['title'], 'url' => $post['post_url'], 'description' => $post['body'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_chat']) ]; break; case 'audio': $url = empty($post['source_url']) ? $post['post_url'] : $post['source_url']; $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['source_title'], 'url' => $url, 'description' => $post['caption'].$post['player'][0]['embed_code'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_audio']) ]; break; case 'video': $url = empty($post['source_url']) ? $post['post_url'] : $post['source_url']; $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['source_title'], 'url' => $url, 'description' => $post['caption'].$post['player'][0]['embed_code'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_video']) ]; break; case 'answer': $newLink = [ 'title' => $post['question'], 'url' => $post['post_url'], 'description' => $post['answer'], 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $post['date'], 'tags' => array_merge($post['tags'], ['tumblr', 'tumblr_answer']) ]; break; default: mylog('No URL found for '.var_export($post,true)); } $existingLink = $linkDb->getLinkFromUrl($newLink['url']); // If the link already exists, we don't do anything (we don't want to break anything) if ($existingLink !== false) { mylog($newLink['url'].' already exists.'); $alreadyCount++; continue; } // no HTML in title $newLink['title'] = strip_tags($newLink['title']); // description in markdown $newLink['description'] = $converter->convert($newLink['description']); // tags are string separated with a space $newLink['tags'] = implode(' ', $newLink['tags']); // Add a new link $newLinkDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s T', $newLink['linkdate']); while (!empty($linkDb[$newLinkDate->format(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT)])) { // Ensure the date/time is not already used // - this hack is necessary as the date/time acts as a primary key // - apply 1 second increments until an unused index is found // See https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/351 $newLinkDate->add(new DateInterval('PT1S')); } $linkDbDate = $newLinkDate->format(LinkDB::LINK_DATE_FORMAT); $newLink['linkdate'] = $linkDbDate; $linkDb[$linkDbDate] = $newLink; mylog($newLink['url']. ' added!'); $importCount++; } } // Finished mylog('On '.$total_count.', added '.$importCount.', ignored '.$alreadyCount.' and '.($total_count-$importCount-$alreadyCount).' errors.'); // Saving $linkDb->savedb($pagecache);