Made Files & Email work

This commit is contained in:
Shikiryu 2015-07-11 00:12:31 +02:00
parent 6eaf2f0176
commit 091dd4cf22
2 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -21,14 +21,10 @@ class Scenario {
public static function autoload($class)
// Autoload only "sub-namespaced" class
if (strpos($class, __NAMESPACE__.'\\') === 0)
// Delete current namespace from class one
$relative_NS = str_replace(__NAMESPACE__, '', $class);
// Translate namespace structure into directory structure
$translated_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_NS);
// Load class suffixed by ".class.php"
require __DIR__ . '/' . $translated_path . '.php';
@ -45,26 +41,51 @@ class Scenario {
public function send()
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
* Launch the whole job
* @param $scenario
* @throws \Exception
public static function launch($scenario)
// add autoloader
$scenario = __DIR__.'/../scenario/'.$scenario;
// check the given scenario
if (is_readable($scenario)) {
$scenario = json_decode(file_get_contents($scenario), true);
if (!is_null($scenario) && static::isValid($scenario)) {
try {
$scenario = new self($scenario);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
throw new \Exception('invalid scenario.');
throw new \Exception('scenario not found.');
* Check given scenario validation
* @param array $scenario
* @return bool
public static function isValid(array $scenario)

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Email extends TransportAbstract
$this->to = $this->config['to'];
$this->from = $this->config['from'];
$this->encoding = $this->config['encoding'];
$this->subjet = $this->config['subject'];
$this->subject = $this->config['subject'];
$this->message = $this->config['message'];
$this->encoding = $this->config['encoding'];
@ -229,25 +229,28 @@ class Email extends TransportAbstract
* Send the mail
* @see #mail
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function send() {
public function send()
// Checking files are selected
$zip = new \ZipArchive(); // Load zip library
$zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
if($zip->open(TEMP_DIR.$zip_name, \ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)==TRUE) {
if ($zip->open(TEMP_DIR.$zip_name, \ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)==TRUE) {
if(!empty($this->files)) {
foreach($this->files as $file)
foreach($this->files as $file => $name)
$zip->addFile($file); // Adding files into zip
$zip->addFile($file, $name); // Adding files into zip
} else {
throw new \Exception('Transport::Email::Can\'t zip the given backup.');
$this->files = array(TEMP_DIR.$zip_name=>dirname(__FILE__).'/bu/'.$zip_name);
$this->files = array(TEMP_DIR.$zip_name=>$zip_name);
$random_hash = md5(date('r', time()));
$headers = "From: " . $this->from . "\r\nReply-To: " . $this->from;
@ -262,8 +265,6 @@ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
foreach($this->files as $file => $name) {
$name = explode('/', $name);
$name = end($name);
$output .= "
Content-Type: " . self::getMimeType($file) . "; name=" . $name . "