Continue battle mission

This commit is contained in:
Clement Desmidt 2019-12-20 11:12:16 +01:00
parent 072a8b699b
commit 04609bedc0
5 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
def checkio(number: int) -> int:
return list(str(bin(number))).count('1')
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert checkio(4) == 1
assert checkio(15) == 4
assert checkio(1) == 1
assert checkio(1022) == 9
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to review your tests and earn cool rewards!")

Incinerator/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
VOWELS = "aeiou"
class User:
def __init__(self, name): = name = None
def connect_on_chat(self, o_chat): = o_chat
def send(self, text): += "{} said: {}\n".format(, text)
robot_text = text.lower()
robot_text = "".join(["0" if x in VOWELS else "1" for x in robot_text]) += "{} said: {}\n".format(, robot_text)
class Human(User):
class Robot(User):
class Chat:
def __init__(self):
self.human_chat = ""
self.robot_chat = ""
def connect_human(self, human: Human):
def show_human_dialogue(self) -> str:
return self.human_chat.strip('\n')
def connect_robot(self, robot: Robot):
def show_robot_dialogue(self) -> str:
return self.robot_chat.strip('\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
chat = Chat()
karl = Human("Karl")
bot = Robot("R2D2")
karl.send("Hi! What's new?")
bot.send("Hello, human. Could we speak later about it?")
assert chat.show_human_dialogue() == """Karl said: Hi! What's new?
R2D2 said: Hello, human. Could we speak later about it?"""
assert chat.show_robot_dialogue() == """Karl said: 101111011111011
R2D2 said: 10110111010111100111101110011101011010011011"""
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
MORSE = {'.-': 'a', '-...': 'b', '-.-.': 'c',
'-..': 'd', '.': 'e', '..-.': 'f',
'--.': 'g', '....': 'h', '..': 'i',
'.---': 'j', '-.-': 'k', '.-..': 'l',
'--': 'm', '-.': 'n', '---': 'o',
'.--.': 'p', '--.-': 'q', '.-.': 'r',
'...': 's', '-': 't', '..-': 'u',
'...-': 'v', '.--': 'w', '-..-': 'x',
'-.--': 'y', '--..': 'z', '-----': '0',
'.----': '1', '..---': '2', '...--': '3',
'....-': '4', '.....': '5', '-....': '6',
'--...': '7', '---..': '8', '----.': '9'
def morse_decoder(code: str) -> str:
sentence = ""
while len(code) > 0:
if code[0] == " ":
sentence += " "
code = code[2:]
next_space = code.find(" ")
if next_space != -1:
letter = code[0:next_space]
code = code[next_space+1:]
sentence += MORSE[letter]
sentence += MORSE[code]
code = ""
return sentence[0].upper() + sentence[1:]
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(morse_decoder('... --- ...'))
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert morse_decoder("... --- -- . - . -..- -") == "Some text"
assert morse_decoder("..--- ----- .---- ---..") == "2018"
assert morse_decoder(".. - .-- .- ... .- --. --- --- -.. -.. .- -.--") == "It was a good day"
print("Coding complete? Click 'Check' to earn cool rewards!")

OReilly/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
# Taken from mission The Defenders
# Taken from mission Army Battles
# Taken from mission The Warriors
class Warrior:
def __init__(self): = 50
self.attack = 5
self.is_alive = True
self.defense = 0
self.vampirism = 0
def hit(self, other_unit) -> bool:
hit_points = self.attack - other_unit.defense
hit_points = hit_points if hit_points > 0 else 0 -= hit_points
other_unit.is_alive = > 0 += (hit_points * self.vampirism)
return other_unit.is_alive
class Knight(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
self.attack = 7
class Defender(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() = 60
self.attack = 3
self.defense = 2
class Vampire(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() = 40
self.attack = 4
self.vampirism = 0.5
class Rookie(Warrior):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = 50
self.attack = 1
def fight(unit_1, unit_2):
while unit_1.is_alive and unit_2.is_alive:
if not unit_1.hit(unit_2):
return True
if not unit_2.hit(unit_1):
return False
class Army:
def __init__(self):
self.units = []
def add_units(self, unit_type, quantity):
for i in range(quantity):
class Battle:
def fight(army_1: Army, army_2: Army) -> bool:
while len(army_1.units) > 0 and len(army_2.units) > 0:
current_unit_1 = army_1.units[0]
current_unit_2 = army_2.units[0]
if fight(current_unit_1, current_unit_2):
return len(army_1.units) > 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
# fight tests
chuck = Warrior()
bruce = Warrior()
carl = Knight()
dave = Warrior()
mark = Warrior()
bob = Defender()
mike = Knight()
rog = Warrior()
lancelot = Defender()
eric = Vampire()
adam = Vampire()
richard = Defender()
ogre = Warrior()
assert fight(chuck, bruce) == True
assert fight(dave, carl) == False
assert chuck.is_alive == True
assert bruce.is_alive == False
assert carl.is_alive == True
assert dave.is_alive == False
assert fight(carl, mark) == False
assert carl.is_alive == False
assert fight(bob, mike) == False
assert fight(lancelot, rog) == True
assert fight(eric, richard) == False
assert fight(ogre, adam) == True
# battle tests
my_army = Army()
my_army.add_units(Defender, 2)
my_army.add_units(Vampire, 2)
my_army.add_units(Warrior, 1)
enemy_army = Army()
enemy_army.add_units(Warrior, 2)
enemy_army.add_units(Defender, 2)
enemy_army.add_units(Vampire, 3)
army_3 = Army()
army_3.add_units(Warrior, 1)
army_3.add_units(Defender, 4)
army_4 = Army()
army_4.add_units(Vampire, 3)
army_4.add_units(Warrior, 2)
battle = Battle()
assert battle.fight(my_army, enemy_army) == False
assert battle.fight(army_3, army_4) == True
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Taken from mission Army Battles
# Taken from mission The Warriors
class Warrior:
def __init__(self): = 50
self.attack = 5
self.is_alive = True
self.defense = 0
def hit(self, other_unit) -> bool:
hit_points = self.attack - other_unit.defense
hit_points = hit_points if hit_points > 0 else 0 -= hit_points
other_unit.is_alive = > 0
return other_unit.is_alive
class Knight(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
self.attack = 7
class Defender(Warrior):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() = 60
self.attack = 3
self.defense = 2
class Rookie(Warrior):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = 50
self.attack = 1
def fight(unit_1, unit_2):
while unit_1.is_alive and unit_2.is_alive:
if not unit_1.hit(unit_2):
return True
if not unit_2.hit(unit_1):
return False
class Army:
def __init__(self):
self.units = []
def add_units(self, unit_type, quantity):
for i in range(quantity):
class Battle:
def fight(self, army_1: Army, army_2: Army) -> bool:
while len(army_1.units) > 0 and len(army_2.units) > 0:
current_unit_1 = army_1.units[0]
current_unit_2 = army_2.units[0]
if fight(current_unit_1, current_unit_2):
return len(army_1.units) > 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
# fight tests
chuck = Warrior()
bruce = Warrior()
carl = Knight()
dave = Warrior()
mark = Warrior()
bob = Defender()
mike = Knight()
rog = Warrior()
lancelot = Defender()
assert fight(chuck, bruce) == True
assert fight(dave, carl) == False
assert chuck.is_alive == True
assert bruce.is_alive == False
assert carl.is_alive == True
assert dave.is_alive == False
assert fight(carl, mark) == False
assert carl.is_alive == False
assert fight(bob, mike) == False
assert fight(lancelot, rog) == True
# battle tests
my_army = Army()
my_army.add_units(Defender, 1)
enemy_army = Army()
enemy_army.add_units(Warrior, 2)
army_3 = Army()
army_3.add_units(Warrior, 1)
army_3.add_units(Defender, 1)
army_4 = Army()
army_4.add_units(Warrior, 2)
battle = Battle()
assert battle.fight(my_army, enemy_army) == False
assert battle.fight(army_3, army_4) == True
print("Coding complete? Let's try tests!")
unit_1 = Defender()
unit_2 = Rookie()
fight(unit_1, unit_2)
assert == 60